MetacoSA / NBitcoin

Comprehensive Bitcoin library for the .NET framework.
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Passing spans by value #1173

Closed YohDeadfall closed 1 year ago

YohDeadfall commented 1 year ago

It makes zero sense to pass spans by references if that span isn't replaced by another one (I mean changing the address it points to). The same applies to arrays as well.

siwatanejo commented 1 year ago

if you're saying "it make zero sense to pass spans by value", shouldn't the title of the commit msg actually be "Stop passing spans by value"? Otherwise I don't get it.

YohDeadfall commented 1 year ago

My bad, spans must be passed by value. Fixed the description, thanks!

knocte commented 1 year ago

Maybe passing spans by reference, even if not replaced, makes performance better? This way there's no copy needed to be done.

Kukks commented 1 year ago

Maybe passing spans by reference, even if not replaced, makes performance better? This way there's no copy needed to be done.

Maybe, but a Span is a kind of reference to its underlying data, and is designed to be lightweight to copy. Isn't there a slight overhead when there is a reference because it needs to maintain that link. All in all there's probably negligent overhead difference in either option.

I'd be more worried if the Span was being replaced in the containing method, bad practice, but could still introduce bugs here/ @YohDeadfall You didn't happen to notice any instance of this right?

YohDeadfall commented 1 year ago

Maybe passing spans by reference, even if not replaced, makes performance better? This way there's no copy needed to be done.

Spans are two machine word wide value types, so it can be passed through two registers which is dirty cheap. Passing it by a reference leads to double memory reads instead of a single to which the span points too, and because of that it's allocated on the stack while it can be stored in registers completely.

The same applies to passing an array by a reference.

I'd be more worried if the Span was being replaced in the containing method, bad practice, but could still introduce bugs here/ @YohDeadfall You didn't happen to notice any instance of this right?

Had the same thought, so checked all methods to be sure that it's not a case. Check NBitcoin/BitcoinStream.cs to be sure that everything is fine there.

Ran tests and it looks fine, no failures.

NicolasDorier commented 1 year ago

This code break untested stuff from shitcoin.

While I agree byref span doesn't make sense, byref array are used because the .ReadWrite is responsible to create the array.

NicolasDorier commented 1 year ago

@YohDeadfall sorry if I am slow, don't hesitate to track me on twitter or the btcpayserver chat if I miss it. I'm so underwater with notifications that I turned them all off :p

YohDeadfall commented 1 year ago

While I agree byref span doesn't make sense, byref array are used because the .ReadWrite is responsible to create the array.

I was worried by that too, but according to following code there are now allocations:

Could you point me where exactly I broke code?

NicolasDorier commented 1 year ago

you are right, as said on twitter DM, can you remove from BitcoinStream the methods with ref not making sense? I guess they did made sense in the past, but some refactoring made them irrelevant.

YohDeadfall commented 1 year ago

There's a method for List<T> serialization ad deserialization, but I wouldn't touch it without improving the design of the whole library and bringing nullability. So, for this pull request I have no more changes.