MetacoSA / NBitcoin

Comprehensive Bitcoin library for the .NET framework.
MIT License
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Bitcoin mining #975

Closed cheaterNo1 closed 3 years ago

cheaterNo1 commented 3 years ago

Dear Nbitcoin's admin! As title, I want to ask Could I use Nbitcoin to develop a mining bitcoin software?

dangershony commented 3 years ago

Quick answer NO.

A more detailed answer is: Bitcoin uses specialized computers to mine (called ASICs). If you mean you want to write a software that will interact between a bitcoin fullnode and an ASIC then perhaps yes NBitcoin can be used.

BigEpidemic commented 3 years ago

Of course you can. The previous answer is patently incorrect. The implementation of your miner (asic, cpu, gpu, something new) wasn't part of your question.

dangershony commented 3 years ago

Of course you can. The previous answer is patently incorrect..

What in my answer was incorrect?

cheaterNo1 commented 3 years ago

Of course you can. The previous answer is patently incorrect. The implementation of your miner (asic, cpu, gpu, something new) wasn't part of your question.

I want to write an app that use cloud resource to mining. The problem is I don't want to download the whole bitcoin core (about 300gb), it is better if I can use a library that have proof of work method.

NicolasDorier commented 3 years ago

The mining industry is quite complex and use a wide different set of software to make it possible. I am not expert in it.

I can only say that validating proof of work is not enough. And that cloud mining is not profitable.