Metaculus / metaculus

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Performance issues #467

Closed hickman-santini closed 2 weeks ago

hickman-santini commented 1 month ago

Running list of lagginess complaints, quotes:

  1. If I try to unfollow notifications the UI reaction time is very very slow. I thought the Unfollow button was doing nothing at all at first. Here is a screencast how it looks for me: (user: t.b - reported at 6:17 PM Eastern Sep 9)
  2. I also experienced extremely long UI delays when trying to change the language. I think it was a full minute. It really feels like the buttons are not working at all. (t.b - ditto)
  3. The question details / resolution criteria / background info load async and can take quite a while, which degrades the experience a bit. I bet this is mostly because the beta server might be on limited resources. But I thought I'd note it here anyway: assuming a faster prod deploy, it still could be frustrating on mobile, on a poor network, etc. If those could load synchronously that'd be much nicer! [I think @lsabor said it's not a problem of async loading nor resources but this is what draaglom said - reported at 5:35 PM Eastern Sep 3]
  4. Every new page load (question pages, tournament pages…) was slow for me. Also specific actions such as Following/Unfollowing a question took far longer than before. If before it was around a second per load/action, now it was even 3-5 seconds at times… roughly. (user: Zaldath - they had said 2 or 3 times slower - reported at 5:44 PM Eastern Sep 9) Note: at 11:30 AM Eastern Sep 10 they said they tested it again and everything seemed to work considerably faster :shrug:
  5. "The site feels slower overall." (skmmcj at Sep 9 9:30 PM Eastern)
hickman-santini commented 1 month ago

Here's t.b's screencast:

George3d6 commented 1 month ago

Current results: