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Which features would be needed for a decentralised digital person identification service? #4

Open serapath opened 9 years ago

serapath commented 9 years ago

Better systems (money, etc...)

I was thinking a lot about alternative monetary systems that would use an inflation tax to finance a basic unconditional income. The inflation tax rate would be voted for by everyone all the time using something simple as the current median vote. I'm sure many people have ideas about all kinds of systems that would improve upon the status quo, but in order to protect those from corrupted individuals it needs to make use of a PIS that serves everyone

Person Identification Service [PIS]

In order to prevent people from creating sock puppets and to proof their identity, everyone needs a decentralised (blockchain based?) service (maybe many of those and mechanisms to connect such services together?) that proofs their identity to others and that proofs the identity of others to them.


serapath commented 9 years ago

Whatever the mechanism will be, I believe it's vitally important that it's easy to understand and to educate people about the necessary more complex concepts fast - thus minimizing the need for complex concepts.


Location-based proof of individuality:

Source: Discussion: