Metalit / Replay

Beat Saber replay viewer and video recorder
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Clicking Continue while pausing in a replay crashes the game... #43

Closed XCraftTM closed 1 year ago

XCraftTM commented 1 year ago

Tried out the Replay function and noticed that while you pause a replay you are able to change the speed and time of the play but if you click too quickly on the bar then it crashes your game...

So back to the real problem... Noticed that when you change something in the pause screen and then press continue the game crashes in any replay i tried it in.

Could only be my problem but idk.

Mod Version: Mods: Libs:

XCraftTM commented 1 year ago

Update: Just tried it with 0.1.1 and still crashes when just clicking continue in any replay without having to even change a setting.

XCraftTM commented 1 year ago

GlobalLog_3_14_0.log Here is the GlobalLog of the Crash maybe it will help... (NOW WORKING LOG UPLOAD)

XCraftTM commented 1 year ago

Update 2: Noticed that even if i don't watch a replay and click continue in a normal level it crashes. Not a Problem with your mod.

CGray1234 commented 1 year ago

It's most likely caused by MoreByCore. Disable that, and see if it works.

XCraftTM commented 1 year ago

Thanks it fixed the Problem!