Metapyziks / SourceUtils

Source engine file format exporting / WebGL map viewer demo.
MIT License
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Error exporting assets for (new?) maps #19

Closed DevRuto closed 6 years ago

DevRuto commented 6 years ago

Error exporting (new?) maps, particularly kz_11735,kz_atectasis,kz_cdr_myst,kz_cdr_mysterious,kz_cdr_slash,kz_comboya,kz_morestairs,kz_oloramasa,kz_quadrant_fix,kz_smallmap,kz_yoink

`<!DOCTYPE html>

500: InternalServerError

500: InternalServerError

Request: http://localhost:39281/maps/kz_yoink/index.json
Message: Static prop version 11 is not supported.
Ziks.WebServer.ControllerActionException: Static prop version 11 is not supported. ---> System.NotSupportedException: Static prop version 11 is not supported. at SourceUtils.ValveBsp.StaticProps.EnsureLoaded() in C:\Users\James\Documents\GitHub\SourceUtils\SourceUtils\ValveBsp\StaticProps.cs:line 283 at SourceUtils.ValveBsp.StaticProps.get_PropCount() in C:\Users\James\Documents\GitHub\SourceUtils\SourceUtils\ValveBsp\StaticProps.cs:line 178 at SourceUtils.WebExport.Bsp.IndexController.GetIndexJson(String map) at lambda_method(Closure , Controller ) at Ziks.WebServer.ControllerActionMap.TryInvokeAction(Controller controller, HttpListenerRequest request) at Ziks.WebServer.Controller.Service(HttpListenerContext context, Session session) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- `
Metapyziks commented 6 years ago

Thank you for reporting, I should be able to look into this today or tomorrow.

Metapyziks commented 6 years ago

Can reproduce on recently recompiled Valve maps too.

Metapyziks commented 6 years ago

Fixed in 60a453629a2caea479660398fb94a21a937523ef

DevRuto commented 6 years ago

All the maps above mentioned now exports correctly except for kz_11735, giving this error <!DOCTYPE html>

500: InternalServerError

500: InternalServerError

Request: http://localhost:39281/maps/kz_11735/materials/matpage0.json
Message: VTF format: I8
Ziks.WebServer.ControllerActionException: VTF format: I8 ---> System.NotImplementedException: VTF format: I8 at SourceUtils.ValveTextureFile..ctor(Stream stream, Boolean onlyHeader) at SourceUtils.WebExport.Texture.Get(ValveBspFile bsp, String path) at SourceUtils.WebExport.Bsp.MaterialController.GetPage(String map, Int32 index) at lambda_method(Closure , Controller ) at Ziks.WebServer.ControllerActionMap.TryInvokeAction(Controller controller, HttpListenerRequest request) at Ziks.WebServer.Controller.Service(HttpListenerContext context, Session session) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---