Metastring / HealthHeatMap

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Story 1: Database Creation for Health HeatMap #1

Open Varnita-Metastring opened 4 years ago

Varnita-Metastring commented 4 years ago

Health Heat Map Specification and Requirements document

asdofindia commented 4 years ago

Have started a draft here (private link)

Varnita-Metastring commented 4 years ago

This will be the story page for the first set of requirements for the Health HeatMap page. What needs to be done: 1)Download and assemble all health related datasets on India with details of source and date of access 2)Build simple utilities to convert PDF and other form datasets and convert into tabular data for upload 3)Mark up every column of every dataset into the SDG Health indicator framework provided by WHO 4)Build aggregation methods based on the SDG indicator framework based on the annotations of the data 5)Design and build a metadata structure for all health data to maintaining source, provenance 6)Design and build database schema to upload health data with a flexible column annotations for framework and metadata 7)Upload all datasets with column annotations and metadata into the database