Meteor-Community-Packages / ground-db

GroundDB is a thin layer providing Meteor offline database and methods
MIT License
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ES2015 branch doesn't work #173

Closed ilan-schemoul closed 7 years ago

ilan-schemoul commented 8 years ago

I first started with V2 but as I need to have a full mongo collection for comnpatibility with easysearch I try to use older version. I first give a try to localforage version as, it says to be faster and I already needed around 10 second instead of 2 second when online with V2 (which have localstorage) but it's just not working when I refresh the browser (first time with no cache populated it's working but second time no data !) . I have tried with simplest code possible : export const Worksheets = new Ground.Collection('worksheets');

Template.flow.onCreated(() => { Meteor.subscribe('worksheets'); }); and a helper who just return Worksheets.find() I also tried to wrap subscribe into worksheet.once('loaded', () => {}); When I switch back to master version, it's all working. Packages : meteor-base # Packages every Meteor app needs to have mobile-experience # Packages for a great mobile UX mongo # The database Meteor supports right now blaze-html-templates # Compile .html files into Meteor Blaze views reactive-var # Reactive variable for tracker jquery # Helpful client-side library tracker # Meteor's client-side reactive programming library

standard-minifier-css # CSS minifier run for production mode standard-minifier-js # JS minifier run for production mode es5-shim # ECMAScript 5 compatibility for older browsers. ecmascript # Enable ECMAScript2015+ syntax in app code

fourseven:scss useraccounts:materialize accounts-password kadira:flow-router kadira:blaze-layout arillo:flow-router-helpers useraccounts:flow-routing softwarerero:accounts-t9n aldeed:simple-schema alanning:roles aldeed:collection2 percolate:momentum philippspo:momentum-flow-router materialize:materialize easysearch:core matteodem:easy-search ground:db PS : I hope one day I could not have to wait 10 second for app loading, maybe I've misunderstand something or is that normal time for a simple DB with 4 row. PS 2 : BTW if someone want to use service worker instead of the old depreciated appcache to have an offline app by caching assets I made a meteor Service Worker

Illyism commented 8 years ago

Seems to be. Sadly the master branch doesn't work with meteor 1.3 for me.

ilan-schemoul commented 8 years ago

For me it's working with very last meteor version... sorry for you

raix commented 7 years ago

Let me know if this is still an issue in 2.0.0-rc.5

ilan-schemoul commented 7 years ago

V2 is working now