Open StorytellerCZ opened 16 hours ago
Thank you for submitting this issue!
We, the Members of Meteor Community Packages take every issue seriously. Our goal is to provide long-term lifecycles for packages and keep up with the newest changes in Meteor and the overall NodeJs/JavaScript ecosystem.
However, we contribute to these packages mostly in our free time. Therefore, we can't guarantee your issues to be solved within certain time.
If you think this issue is trivial to solve, don't hesitate to submit a pull request, too! We will accompany you in the process with reviews and hints on how to get development set up.
Please also consider sponsoring the maintainers of the package. If you don't know who is currently maintaining this package, just leave a comment and we'll let you know
It would be great to have an example how to setup things to successfully run in GitHub CI via workflow.
For example if I run things with just a simple test the test run successfully, but things still get reported as failed. 😢