Meteor-Community-Packages / meteor-simple-schema

Meteor integration package for simpl-schema
MIT License
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Error: Invalid definition for ProductId field. #715

Closed tomvolek closed 6 years ago

tomvolek commented 6 years ago

I am getting the error "Error: Invalid definition for ProductId field" trying to use simple-schema . Googling , i saw suggestions to upgrade to latest aldeed packages. I tried to upgrade from meteor 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 . I can see there are newer aldeed pacakges are avilable, but meter update errors out when i try to do meteor update aldeed:collection2-core@2.0.1 , is there an order I need to do this upgrade with ? My entire package list is listed bellow also . ****

The following top-level dependencies were not updated to the very latest version available:

Newer versions of the following indirect dependencies are available:

My Admin_config.js:

import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema'; import { PricePosition } from '/imports/api/models.js'; import { Purchased } from '/imports/api/models.js'; import { FlowerBatchList } from '/imports/api/models.js'; import { OldAuctions } from '/imports/api/models.js' ; import { FlowersCatalog} from '/imports/api/models.js' ; AdminConfig = { //skin: 'blue-light', // set admin navbar color name: 'Payagol', adminEmails: [''], collections: { FlowerBatchList: {collectionObject: FlowerBatchList}, Purchased: {collectionObject: Purchased}, OldAuctions: {collectionObject: OldAuctions}, FlowersCatalog : {collectionObject: FlowersCatalog}, PricePosition: {collectionObject: PricePosition} }, };

SimpleSchema.extendOptions(['autoform']); Schemas = {}; FlowersCatalog = new Meteor.Collection('flowers_catalog'); Schemas.FlowersCatalog = new SimpleSchema({ ProductId: { type: String, max: 15 }, ProductType: { type: String, max: 20 } }); FlowersCatalog.attachSchema(Schemas.FlowersCatalog);

My package lists are following :

ccounts-base 1.3.2 A user account system accounts-password 1.4.0 Password support for accounts alanning:roles 1.2.16 Authorization package for Meteor aldeed:autoform 5.8.1 Easily create forms with automatic insert and update, and... aldeed:collection2 2.10.0 Automatic validation of insert and update operations on ... aldeed:collection2-core 1.2.0 Core package for aldeed:collection2 aldeed:simple-schema 1.5.3 A simple schema validation object with reactivity. Used b... aldeed:tabular 1.6.1 Datatables for large or small datasets in Meteor anti:i18n 0.4.3 Internalization: simplest package aslagle:reactive-table 0.8.42 A reactive table designed for Meteor blaze-html-templates 1.1.2 Compile HTML templates into reactive UI with Meteor Blaze cfs:standard-packages 0.5.9 Filesystem for Meteor, collectionFS check 1.2.5 Check whether a value matches a pattern danappelxx:hover.css 1.0.0 A wrapper for hover.css to add smooth css animations to y... dburles:collection-helpers 1.1.0 Transform your collections with helpers that you define dynamic-import 0.1.1 Runtime support for Meteor 1.5 dynamic import(...) syntax ecmascript 0.8.2 Compiler plugin that supports ES2015+ in all .js files ejson 1.0.14 Extended and Extensible JSON library email 1.2.3 Send email messages es5-shim 4.6.15 Shims and polyfills to improve ECMAScript 5 support facts 1.0.9 Publish internal app statistics fortawesome:fontawesome 4.7.0 Font Awesome (official): 500+ scalable vector icons, cust... gadicohen:messageformat 0.0.53 MessageFormat support, the Meteor way ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 1.2.89 Bootstrap-styled accounts-ui with multi-language support. ignacy130:yadmin 0.0.1 Simple and easy to use admin panel, continuation of yogib... insecure 1.0.7 (For prototyping only) Allow all database writes from the... iron:middleware-stack 1.1.0 Client and server middleware support inspired by Connect. iron:router 1.1.2 Routing specifically designed for Meteor jquery 1.11.10 Manipulate the DOM using CSS selectors lc3t35:datatables-bootstrap3 1.10.10 Bootstrap'ed DataTables for meteor less 2.7.9 Leaner CSS language logging 1.1.17 Logging facility. meteor-base 1.1.0 Packages that every Meteor app needs mizzao:bootboxjs 4.4.0 Programmatic dialog boxes using Twitter's bootstrap modals mizzao:timesync 0.5.0 NTP-style time synchronization between server and client mizzao:user-status 0.6.7 User connection and idle state tracking for Meteor mobile-experience 1.0.4 Packages for a great mobile user experience momentjs:moment 2.18.1 Moment.js (official): parse, validate, manipulate, and d... mongo 1.2.0 Adaptor for using MongoDB and Minimongo over DDP multiply:iron-router-progress 1.0.2 Progressbar for iron:router ostrio:files 1.8.3 File upload via DDP/HTTP to server FS, AWS, GridFS, DropB... peerlibrary:stacktrace 1.3.1_2 Meteor package for getting uniform stack traces in all ... phowat:i18n-ui-dropdown-bootstrap3-component 0.0.1 Replacement for tap-i18n-ui's i18n_dropdown as a Bootstra... rajit:bootstrap3-datepicker 1.7.1 Meteor packaging of uxsolutions/bootstrap-datepicker for ... rajit:bootstrap3-datepicker-fa 1.7.1 Meteor packaging of Persian translation of uxsolutions/bo... random 1.0.10 Random number generator and utilities reactive-var 1.0.11 Reactive variable reload 1.1.11 Reload the page while preserving application state. rocketchat:streamer 0.5.0 DB less realtime communication for meteor rzymek:moment-locale-fa 2.14.1 Moment.js fa locale. Companion package for rzymek:moment selaias:avatar-manager 0.4.0 Manage your avatar. Upload an imag or select one from the... session 1.1.7 Session variable shell-server 0.2.4 Server-side component of the meteor shell command. showdown 1.0.8 Moved to the 'markdown' package spacebars 1.0.15 Handlebars-like template language for Meteor standard-minifier-css 1.3.4 Standard css minifier used with Meteor apps by default. standard-minifier-js 2.1.1 Standard javascript minifiers used with Meteor apps by de... tap:i18n 1.8.2 A comprehensive internationalization solution for Meteor tap:i18n-db 0.4.0 Internationalization for Meteor Collections tap:i18n-ui 0.8.0 User interface for the tap-i18n package telerik:kendo-ui-core-bootstrap-theme 2015.2.805 Kendo UI Core is the free & open-source version of K... tomi:upload-jquery 2.4.0 Client template for uploads using "jquery-file-upload" fr... tomi:upload-server 1.3.4_3 Upload server for Meteor. Allows to save and serve file... tracker 1.1.3 Dependency tracker to allow reactive callbacks twbs:bootstrap 3.3.6 The most popular front-end framework for developing respo... useraccounts:iron-routing 1.14.2 UserAccounts package providing routes configuration capa... utilities:avatar 0.9.2 Consolidated user avatar template (twitter, facebook, gra... wenzhixin:bootstrap-table 1.9.0 Bootstrap table with radio, checkbox, sort, pagination, a... xvendo:barcoder 0.0.3 Easily generate barcodes yuukan:streamy 1.4.0 Simple interface to use the underlying sockjs in a meteor... zardak:soap 0.2.6 Wrapped npm soap package

tomvolek commented 6 years ago

I removed all aldeed packages and installed from scratch and installed simple-schema via npm and problem was solved as it is stated also here :