Meteor-Community-Packages / raix-push

DEPRECATED: Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
MIT License
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Notifications get stuck/queued on server #242

Open ankibalyan opened 7 years ago

ankibalyan commented 7 years ago

If I send notifications continuously around 20 for a time, the server gets stuck after that, Push.send method //Maybe but if I restart the server, all the queued notification start running again.

@raix any idea why this is happening? I'm using the latest version raix:push@3.0.2-rc.10.

raix commented 7 years ago

@ankibalyan please give 3.0.3-rc.7 a go

ankibalyan commented 7 years ago

It is still the same, just after the 20th notification on a particular device, notification is getting delayed in both IOS and Android. though In response I'm getting as a success: 1.

ankibalyan commented 7 years ago

"Just after 20th notification" It was because of collapse-key, I was putting a static text to this field, which I've changed it to a Randon string with Random.Idmake it work for now.