Meteor-Community-Packages / raix-push

DEPRECATED: Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
MIT License
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[v3.0.3-rc.7] iOS badge not updating #260

Open v3rron opened 7 years ago

v3rron commented 7 years ago

Since the upgrade to v3.0.3-rc.7 and migrating from Google GCM to Firebase FCM, iOS notification badge is stuck to one number. When clicking on app icon with a badge number of 3, it doesn't disappear afterwards. Sometimes it will change to a smaller or higher number, but never disappears completely.

PS: it was working fine in previous version v3.0.2.

aqib1604 commented 7 years ago

@v3rron I have a same issue. :(

@raix Can you please check and let us know the solution for this.

markodvornik commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue. I've put Push.setBadge(0); on the client side and that seems to reset the counter, but not always.

if (Meteor.isCordova) {
yuwanlin commented 7 years ago

Yes, It's. v3.1.0-pre.1. when IOS client receive a notification(without open the app),the badge is always 1.But It will be changed if I Push.setBadge(count),It's a absolute value. May I listen the notification event ??? @raix