Meteor-Community-Packages / raix-push

DEPRECATED: Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
MIT License
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Event listeners not working correctly #267

Closed indesignlatam closed 7 years ago

indesignlatam commented 7 years ago

I have implemented listeners on an app but im not getting events on warm startup and on message or alert listeners.

I have the following listeners

Push.addListener('startup', (notification) => {
    // Called when message received on startup (cold+warm)

    if(notification.payload.flowrouter && notification.payload.flowrouter.route){
        const route = notification.payload.flowrouter.route;
        let params  = null;

            params = notification.payload.flowrouter.params;

        FlowRouter.go(route, params);

Push.addListener('message', (notification) => {

Push.addListener('alert', (notification) => {

Thanks in advance for any help.

indesignlatam commented 7 years ago

It only fails to trigger events on iOS android events work correctly.

raix commented 7 years ago

is it related to ?

indesignlatam commented 7 years ago

Its the opposite and adding that line didnt work. I recently tested a new build with test flight and seems to be solved. When the new build is in prod i will update this issue or close it.

Thanks @raix