Meteor-Community-Packages / raix-push

DEPRECATED: Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
MIT License
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Feature request: Allow for remote Push server #271

Open EricSoldierer opened 7 years ago

EricSoldierer commented 7 years ago

Hi all, I am really liking the work you did in this library. However it does not allow to implement my scenario. I want to be able to create a separate meteor server for only sending push notifications.

This is the scenario I would like to achieve. Desired Scenario

However, in this file, there are several calls done as, which will always use the server assiciated to the client.

This forces me to implement it as this: Current Scenario The stuff marked in red is what is wrong with the current setup.

Would it be possible to allow the client to configure a Connection which can be used for registering on instead of always using the

raix commented 7 years ago

you can set the client appCollection and notificationsCollections on the client to use a different ddp connection? Or you can have the two apps share the appCollection and notification collection - only adding the push package client-side on one and server-side on the other

EricSoldierer commented 7 years ago

Thanks for you suggestions, but I think the problem that I'm faced with is of a different nature. Let me clarify:

As far as I understand the internals of the push package, the client app is registering its token at the push server by invoking meteor methods (e.g.'raix:push-update') in here). However, Meteor#call always uses the default DDP connection to the server of its application. What I would like to accomplish is that multiple client apps reuse the same push server. Thus, they would need to register at a different server than the server which is invoked by Is there any way I can configure this?