Meteor-Community-Packages / raix-push

DEPRECATED: Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
MIT License
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How to send badge count for each individual client ? #300

Open catimos opened 7 years ago

catimos commented 7 years ago

When notification arrives for an app in background, the badge is displayed and the count is what is sent from server. Push.send({ badge: 5, //This puts badge count 5 for all users. query: { // this will send to all users }, });

How do you set badge count for all individual clients ? How about if Push.setBadge(9); from client api should set the badge count for that client in the raix:push database and when Push.Configure({ badge:true}) then Push.send({ badge: 1, //This should increment by 1 the badge count of the receiver as stored in the database. query: { // this will send to all users }, });

Any idea how to set badge count individually for each client? As such Push.setBadge(9); does nothing when app is in background.

rashmimhatre100 commented 5 years ago

Are you able to get badge for android? Care to share solution? Thanks in advance.

catimos commented 5 years ago

Are you able to get badge for android? Care to share solution? Thanks in advance.

No solution so far. Could not set badge count for each individual client.