Meteor-Community-Packages / raix-push

DEPRECATED: Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
MIT License
514 stars 197 forks source link

Android, "Push.appCollection" is empty - No clients have registred on the server yet... #301

Open parameter opened 7 years ago

parameter commented 7 years ago

Please help me finding out what's wrong.

// server

Meteor.startup(function () {

    Push.debug = true;

      gcm: {
        apiKey: '<api-key>',
        projectNumber: <projectNumber>
      "production": true,
      "badge": true,
      "sound": true,
      "alert": true,
      "vibrate": true */

    Push.addListener('error', function(err) {


// client

Meteor.startup( function() {

      android: {
        senderID: 1016592401718,
        alert: true,
        badge: true,
        sound: true,
        vibrate: true,
        clearNotifications: false
        // icon: '',
        // iconColor: ''
    production: false

      ios: {
        alert: true,
        badge: true,
        sound: true


  Push.addListener('message', function(notification) {

      from: 'Test',
      title: 'Hello',
      text: 'World',
      badge: 12,
      query: {}


Running meteor like this meteor --settings ./config/settings.json

All I get is:

Push: Settings userId "YnZmtvyX8Y9ZDwSY7" for app: K2x8f4Kz56eqzk8Td
Push: Send message "Hello" via query {}
Push: Sent message "Hello" to 0 ios apps 0 android apps
Push, GUIDE: The "Push.appCollection" is empty - No clients have registred on the server yet...

/Lost meteorite
parameter commented 7 years ago

Do I have to make use of the method "raix:push-update"? I fail finding it used in any examples though, just lost here...

bergjs commented 7 years ago

Did you follow this article?

madc0w commented 5 years ago

Any news on this? I have a test app, which I run locally on my Android device, and I am seeing the same thing whenever I call Push.send:

I20190219-13:40:27.202(1)? Push: Send message "test title" via query {}
I20190219-13:40:27.264(1)? Push: Sent message "test title" to 0 ios apps 0 android apps
I20190219-13:40:27.325(1)? Push, GUIDE: The "Push.appCollection" is empty - No clients have registred on the server yet...

Also, I suppose a related issue is that the _raix_push_app_tokens collection is always empty.

rodcisal commented 4 years ago

Any news on this? I have a test app, which I run locally on my Android device, and I am seeing the same thing whenever I call Push.send:

I20190219-13:40:27.202(1)? Push: Send message "test title" via query {}
I20190219-13:40:27.264(1)? Push: Sent message "test title" to 0 ios apps 0 android apps
I20190219-13:40:27.325(1)? Push, GUIDE: The "Push.appCollection" is empty - No clients have registred on the server yet...

Also, I suppose a related issue is that the _raix_push_app_tokens collection is always empty.

Hello, I'm getting the exact same error, did you have any luck?

rodcisal commented 4 years ago

I finally fixed this problem by upgrading meteor to 1.10.2 For some reason, the package wasn't installing correctly on Meteor 1.8.1 so many methods weren't accessible causing that my meteor server couldn't send out the message to FCM