Meteor-Community-Packages / raix-push

DEPRECATED: Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
MIT License
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can't send notification for app by query { id: 'id' } #329

Open haileebn opened 6 years ago

haileebn commented 6 years ago

hi everybody, I am having a issue First of all, I apologize for my poor English, hoping everyone will understand. I need to send a message to a person by the query id:, according to the instructions of the doctor raix has it


query can be left empty in which case the notification will be sent to all devices that have registered a token. query can also be one or more ids obtained from clients via or one or more userIds associated with the accounts-base package and Meteor.userId().


image image But I can not send any messages in my application, and get the returned log results as shown. May all help, just tell. image