Meteor-Community-Packages / raix-push

DEPRECATED: Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
MIT License
514 stars 197 forks source link

No notification in app hosted on my server in distribution mode #337

Open NilkanthSoni opened 6 years ago

NilkanthSoni commented 6 years ago

Hi All,

We have created an enterpise ios app and generated an .ipa with distribution or production ready certificate and hosted it on my own https based server. App is not on the app store but can be downloaded from my own website. I am able to download install and run the app. I have set following configurations:

Push.Configure({ gcm: { // apikey from FirebaseCM // apiKey: 'Xxxxxxxxxxxx', projectNumber: xxxxxxxxx // senderId from FirebaseCM }, 'sendInterval':300, 'sendBatchSize':50, apn: { // iOS certData: Assets.getText('alert-push-cert-prod.pem'), keyData: Assets.getText('alert-push-key-prod.pem'), passphrase: 'xxxx', production: true, gateway: '', }, });

The issue is that if i run app(with distributin certi.) using meteor run ios-device --mobile-server server-url then i am able to receive push notifications in ios device

But if i generate/export .ipa and host on my own server then install from it and after that i run it but no notification is received.

Also in device registration methods logs we found following error: ios no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application

Can you suggest me solutions ??

Thanks ..