Meteor-Community-Packages / raix-push

DEPRECATED: Push notifications for cordova (ios, android) browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
MIT License
514 stars 197 forks source link

Looking for maintainers - please reach out! #356

Open raix opened 5 years ago

da314pc commented 5 years ago

@raix I am interested. I use this package heavily.

shivang007 commented 5 years ago

Sounds interesting and a good idea, as raix/push is highly used in meteor community it needs maintenance.

raix commented 5 years ago

@da314pc and @shivang007 do both of you want to be added as maintainers? (I'll need your Meteor developer login name for allowing you to publish)

shivang007 commented 5 years ago

That will be awesome @raix My Meteor dev username: shivangkar7

da314pc commented 5 years ago

@raix My meteor dev username: da314pc

raix commented 5 years ago

@shivang007 and @da314pc I have added you to the repository and meteor group - so you should be able to release new versions etc. let me know if it doesn't work or if you need more information on the package. Thanks guys

aboire commented 5 years ago

@da314pc @shivang007 do you have to watch this pull request which allows to use fcm for android and ios

da314pc commented 5 years ago

@aboire that has definitely been something I wanted to add to this library.

As far as the next release there a couple things I think we have to tackle.

1) Better integration for android 8.0 oreo 2) take a look at the APN library, there has been so many changes and reported issues we need to upgrade to a stable version 3) FCM for ios could be more reliable on ios, but we should still keep APN support.

aboire commented 5 years ago

@da314pc for the 2: apn it might be necessary to add this pull request

da314pc commented 5 years ago

@aboire yes we have that open. I just want to make sure that issues like: are not being introduced once we upgrade.

shivang007 commented 5 years ago

@da314pc @shivang007 do you have to watch this pull request #354 which allows to use fcm for android and ios

@aboire Yes that is definitely on the to-do list

raix commented 5 years ago

@aboire do you want to be part of the maintainer group?

aboire commented 5 years ago

@raix if i can help yes

raix commented 5 years ago

@aboire I've added you to the repo - lmk if you need publish access

shivang007 commented 5 years ago

@raix Can we please have a slack/spectrum/any group to improve our communication gap?

raix commented 5 years ago

@shivang007 It makes sense - are you guys setting it up or should I?

shivang007 commented 5 years ago

@raix You set it up, we will join.

raix commented 5 years ago

I've created - and added a channel for "meteor-push" @da314pc I don't have your email to send an invite - @shivang007 @aboire Please help invite

da314pc commented 5 years ago

@raix I have sent you an email.

BrianMulhall commented 4 years ago

is there still a need for help? i would like to contribute if possible

da314pc commented 4 years ago

@BrianMulhall yea, more people are always better. We need better docs for the new apn tokens, and also alot fo people have migrated to react natvie, but this project is still great for a back-end service. So i wanted to have a more update to guide for them,

BrianMulhall commented 4 years ago

if i were to fork this repo and then familiarize myself with it would that include all the code/doc/tests/examples/etc that support the project? or are there other areas that contain relevant information?

BrianMulhall commented 4 years ago

and the react-native users no longer use meteor for their applications but could still make use of this code running (server side) on node for their new projects? I'm not sure I am following that comment 100 percent

da314pc commented 4 years ago

Yes you would be familiar with this project. As far as react native, This project has 2 parts, the client - which manages all of the token registration, token removal, the server- which integrates node fcm, & apple apn services into a nice clean api for meteorjs

we can still use the server, but i think there has been some confusion on how to integrate it.

BrianMulhall commented 4 years ago

ok cool, let me get up to speed with the repo and take a look around and I am going to try and get it working with a meteor project i have set up just to see it action. then ill reach out and see how i can be of any help.

da314pc commented 4 years ago

Awesome, the hardest part is the setup. Apple's push service wont really work until you have a beta app out, through the app store, but google's fcm service will work just running the app on an android phone. Just remember to have the Server settings set to dev.

BrianMulhall commented 4 years ago

i am able to get it working through firebase cloud messaging on an android device running 8.1 with phonegap-plugin-push version 2.2.3 as my cordova plugin. Worked liked a charm. so next step for me is to take a look around the code and then do a bit of a ramp up on how push actually works (like the internals of it all). just so i know whats what

BrianMulhall commented 4 years ago

i think if i could help out with documentation and maybe testing until i am familiar with things that would be a good place to start. I cant do much damage haha and ill learn the project

StorytellerCZ commented 8 months ago

If anyone is willing to take on maintaining this project please ping me!