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Keyboard libraries #5

Open dandv opened 9 years ago

dandv commented 9 years ago

@keithamus: :+1: on this! Unfortunately, I found later that the author of Keymaster may not be the most interested in collaboration. @dmauro is much more likely to be.

keithamus commented 9 years ago

I'm not really sure why Meteor needs its own package manager, and wrapper scripts to work with plain JS libraries, it seems like it's a hassle for you to have to maintain (and convince plugin authors to implement) - so I tend to side with @madrobby on this particular issue. Having said that I don't use Meteor and I'm not interested in forcing my opinions on anyone - especially projects I don't use.

Specifically on the topic of merging/collaborating with @madrobby, @ccampbell, @dmauro and @RobertWHurst. I'd be happy to - as it seems all of our libraries are very similar. I've personally been toying with the idea of improving Jwerty with the aim of supporting (and shimming for older browsers) DOM Level 3 Keyboard Events.

dandv commented 9 years ago

@keithamus: being a full-stack framework, there are several reasons Meteor needs its own package management system.

We're also moving in the direction of keeping up-to-date forks of libraries + Meteor packaging, and have Grunt scripts to make it zero-effort for maintainers to publish to Meteor's ecosystem if they choose to do so.

Anyway, it would be great to see one keyboard library to rule them all!