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Ping Gadi - Meteorpedia is down! #6

Open dandv opened 9 years ago

dandv commented 9 years ago

Hey @gadicc - is down

gadicc commented 9 years ago

Blah. Back up. Thanks.

gadicc commented 9 years ago

FYI, there are two issues here:

  1. I guess the app is crashing... it's not so well maintained, and still on Meteor 0.5 I think :) There was a big rewrite planned, but unfortunately all my open source time is going to famous-views now. It's not off the cards, it's something that's continually bugging me and I'm dying to do (especially since I've thought a lot about the structure etc), just need to find the time. Also it does currently work, mostly :>
  2. Nodejitsu don't always notice that it's crashed. I log in and see that the app is "started" / running, and have to "stop" it and "start" it again. So I don't get any notification either. Also been moving to move off nodejitsu but well, it's their free open source hosting and convenient, and stable "most" of the time.
physiocoder commented 9 years ago

Down again (400 - is currently stopped).

dandv commented 9 years ago

Down again, for a few days now (!)

@gadicc, now that I work at Google, I've befriended the program manager for Google Container Engine. I can get us free hosting for Meteor, on Google's Cloud.

gadicc commented 9 years ago

hey, just restarted. i'm away for the weekend, let's chat more about this next week. thanks!

gadicc commented 9 years ago

@physiocoder thanks for the heads up back then... i managed to restart soon after seeing your message, but was travelling with just a cell phone and crappy 3G, and things flaked after the restart, so please accept my belated thanks :>

@dandv, the big issue is that Meteorpedia is running quite an old release of Meteor... to confess, I'm a bit nervous to touch it after so long, since it's generally working. There was a big rewrite planned, but then unfortunately all my time for FOSS work went into famous-views. I haven't given up on the idea, just not sure when I'll have time to work on it properly :(

Beyond that, congrats on the new job!! That's super exciting, both for you and the apparent attitude towards Meteor there :) :) As for GCE, quite keen when I have time to experiment hosting Meteor apps in docker containers there. How are you doing it?

dandv commented 9 years ago

Down again. This is quite annoying, as I keep pointing people to, and who knows how often the site is actually down when I don't look at it.

gadicc commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I got it back up as soon as I saw your message - this morning (my time) - but was rushing out and didn't have a chance to respond.

It happens quite rarely, but I agree the situation is annoying and unacceptable. I'm going to subscribe to a site monitoring service to get quicker alerts (sometimes nodejitsu tells me it's crashed, sometimes it thinks it's still up even though it hasn't), and also work towards tracking down the actual error. I'll report back here.

gadicc commented 9 years ago is now checking every 5m, and notifies me to a private email that has alerts on my mobile phone. haven't given up on trying to solve this / work on the new version, but this will mitigate the damage until it's ready.

dandv commented 9 years ago

:+1: How does uptimerobot deal with JS-generated content? Can it tell that Nodejitsu's "page is down" page means Meteorpedia is down? (They probably do send a 404.)

gadicc commented 9 years ago

Yeah I also wondered that, actually tested with another site I have at nodejitsu which is intentionally down. In short, answer is yes... I didn't check all the codes but the "page is down" page is a 400 ("bad request"), and obviously normal is 200. It's pretty cool actually.


gadicc commented 9 years ago

@dandv, I'm happy to report I found the code that was crashing, and Meteorpedia has had 100% uptime in the 7 days since deploying the fix (vs the 98% since I started monitoring). So sorry for past downtime but I'm glad this is resolved now until v2 is ready.

dandv commented 9 years ago


dandv commented 9 years ago

Funnily enough, my user page doesn't load. The history appears to be okay, but if I go to, I get the spinner and this error in the console:

18ee95a37eeba363dccebaaa82e18a7a579d6363.js:1 Exception from Deps recompute function: TypeError: Cannot read property 'content' of undefined
    at S.read2.noLongCode (
    at s (
    at c (
    at Object.e.labelBranch (
    at g (
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Function.S.each.S.forEach (
    at u (
gadicc commented 9 years ago

Mmm, I just resaved your page and it seems to be loading ok now. I hope this isn't since the redeploy, I see that error comes on every initial load now but doesn't seem to stop the site from loading. Can you confirm?

dandv commented 9 years ago

That version worked, but when I restored the latest version I created, the error popped up again. Does my latest version have some Markdown error?

gadicc commented 9 years ago

Working now. There was a bad image link in the meta data that was crashing something. Can't wait to get rid of this old code but the next version is still some time away :( And thank god it will be written in the Meteor 1.0 API :P