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Nifty git PR+merge commit #7

Open dandv opened 9 years ago

dandv commented 9 years ago

Hey @davidsonfellipe, how did you do this ?

davidsonfellipe commented 9 years ago

@dandv I deleted my fork.

dandv commented 9 years ago

Hm. I've deleted my fork too but that didn't result in that sort of nice history.

dandv commented 9 years ago

Hey @ichernev, how did you do this on Nov 17? I've just deleted the branch you've just merged, but that didn't result in a compact commit.

ichernev commented 9 years ago

The history you see in github commits does not show the branching. My current merge strategy is to wait until I want to release, then I start pulling the code from all PRs, rebase on top of develop (might edit manually some commits to make them fit) and then merge. I have a script that does all that, allowing me to edit if stuff goes wrong.

The small photo of me is because I edited the commits, but I'm not the original author.

Also you shouldn't merge the PR commit with the merge -- there should be a merge commit.

Do this to check out the real history:

git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit