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Official Meteor integration directly from 3rd party libraries #14

Open dandv opened 9 years ago

dandv commented 9 years ago

If you're looking for a popular 3rd party library on Atmosphere, chances are you'll find several wrappers, in various states of maintenance. To avoid this problem, several Meteor community members have started to provide authoritative, high-quality, Meteor integrations of 3rd party libraries, complete with tests and grunt scripts. These are forks of the library rather than Git submodules, because forks allow modifying the source to support Meteor (if necessary) and one can still pull upstream changes without having to re-apply the integration changes.

These forks live in the MeteorPackaging GitHub organization. This org was created so that multiple developers can collaborate on maintaining an integration in a centralized location. Now that Meteor's Package API is stable, we can submit PRs to popular JS library maintainers to add official Meteor integration. Some maintainers will accept the PR - great, we have integration straight from the source, with same-day updates on Atmosphere. Some won't accept the PR, in which case we continue with the MeteorPackaging fork.

I started this effort in November 2014, spoke about it at DevShop SF, and here's where we are now.

Going forward

As of September 2015, see It's a system authored by @splendido that automatically publishes new versions of a wrapper package automatically on Atmosphere (once you've registered your repo with it), as soon as the upstream package has a new release. See the How it works page. For an example repo, see

The instructions from here on may be somewhat outdated.

Contribute (minimal effort)

  1. If you're working on integrating a 3rd party library with Meteor, please post here. I have also reserved Meteor Developer (Atmosphere) organization namespaces for many libraries; ask if you need one.
  2. If you have created an MD organization for a library, please let us know. Namespace is precious. Currently we're looking for:

    Who has these?

    Popular libraries with official Meteor support

    • :white_check_mark: d3 - [make, export file]
    • :white_check_mark: Bootstrap Material Design by @FezVrasta. Use the PR as a template.
    • :white_check_mark: Sortable [first merged!]
    • :white_check_mark: Keypress [merged 2014-11-28]
    • :white_check_mark: KeyboardJS [export file]
    • :white_check_mark: summernote - WYSIWYG editor; [2014-11-28]
    • :watch: Semantic UI [discussion in progress]

      PR acceptance pending

    • :clock1: Mousetrap - keyboard events library [pending] [grunt, export file]
    • :clock10: Font Awesome - [acknowledged]. Great example of Meteor resolving CSS URL paths correctly.
    • :ballot_box_with_check: Moment [merged in develop, published]
    • :clock1: Isotope [pending] [grunt, export file]
    • :clock930: jsPlumb [pending, maintainer was in a pissed off mood today]
    • :clock8: Hammer - multi-touch library, ~10k GitHub stars [pending, author has changed jobs] [grunt, export file]. Use it as a template.

      Refused to accept the PR

    • :no_entry_sign: keymaster
    • :no_entry_sign: Bootstrap - with much love and offering a Tweet

      How to do this


  3. Post here asking @dandv and @splendido to add you to the MeteorPackaging organization and mention the library/libraries you want to package.
  4. We'll fork the library's repo into MeteorPackacing and grant you access
  5. Add the Meteor integration files,
    • package.js
    • tests
    • gruntfile (or makefile or equivalent) entries to run meteor publish
  6. publish the package to Atmosphere yourself (this is very important)
  7. submit a PR with the changes to the original library author (optional), or just notify them to get some exposure (they may offer to tweet about the integration or otherwise announce it)

Below are the detailed steps.

Get the integration working before even contacting the maintainer

  1. Fork
  2. git clone <your_fork_url>
  3. cd <repo_directory>
  4. git remote add upstream <repo_url_of_the_library>
  5. git fetch upstream
  6. Read through or and figure out which branch the original author wants pull requests against. Some can be very finicky.
  7. git checkout -b meteor-integration upstream/that_branch
  8. Create a meteor directory in the root of the project and copy there the Hammer.js Meteor package files, or the Font Awesome Meteor package files, depending on whether you integrate a library or CSS/image/font resources.
  9. Go through every file and make changes to reflect the actual library you're working on.

    • in particular, give a GOOD summary in package.js (for SEO on Atmosphere), instead of the library's tagline. Example:

      Mousetrap is a simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript.

      For Atmosphere, a repository of JavaScript libraries, this is suboptimal: it repeats the library name, and it says "library" and "JavaScript" (well duh). You only have 100 characters. Don't waste them. Better:

      "Mousetrap (official): bind, trigger and handle keyboard events on keys, combinations and sequences"

  10. Export the library global(s)

    1. If the package is a jQuery package and adds itself to $, there's nothing to export.
    2. Otherwise, add a meteor/export.js file like this:

      /*global Hammer:true*/  // Meteor creates a file-scope global for exporting. This comment prevents a potential JSHint warning.
      Hammer = window.Hammer;
      delete window.Hammer;
  11. Add a package test file, at least checking if the library instantiates correctly.
  12. You want to make it as painless as possible for the maintainer to accept the PR. If there's a build process they use to publish, it would be great if you could add to it. Here's a gruntfile patch for Meteor and a Makefile patch (used for d3). If their README mentions Component/Bower/Npm, add a section mentioning Meteor (example).
  13. Run the tests using the build process, e.g. grunt meteor-test. If you want to run tests manually, execute this:

    cp meteor/package.js .
    spacejam --mongo-url mongodb:// test-packages ./

    Pick a namespace and publish the package under it

Please be very careful with this, as renaming packages is impossible.

Log into your Meteor Developer account and create an organization that represents the package. Most often it will be the name of library, without any special characters (no -, .). No need to include the JS part, since we're always dealing with JavaScript libraries.

If the organization name is not available, contact me, @dandv. I've registered a bunch of them, so potentially evil individuals don't :)

  1. meteor publish the package to Atmosphere for the first time. This prevents the maintainer from running into an error that the package doesn't exist when they publish (meteor would complain about a --create flag).
  2. After you've ensured publishing works (namespace is available, the name in package.js is valid etc.), push to your git fork:

    git commit
    git push origin meteor-integration
  3. Congratulations! Reply to this issue and add the link to the package's Atmosphere page.

Now you can go to the GitHub page of the library and issue a pull request!

Contact the library maintainers

Here is the recommended PR message.

See d3 and Font Awesome above for addressing objections.

Contact the maintainers of other Meteor wrapper libraries

  1. Ask them to deprecate the library by creating a PR overwriting the of their package with the text

    This package is now deprecated. Please use the official Meteor integration package:<org>/<package>

    The commit message should be "Deprecating package in favor of official integration".

    The name of the PR issue (after you click "Create pull request) should be "Kind request to deprecate package in favor of official integration".

    The text of the PR should be similar to this:

    Hi X,
    Thanks for publishing this package. In the meantime an
    [official Meteor integration](<namespace>/<package>)
    has become available.
    Would you like to support the official package?
    If so, you can hide [your package](<atmosphere_link_to_their_package>)
    from Atmosphere searches, while still keeping it installable by apps and dependent
    packages, by running the following command:
       meteor admin set-unmigrated <their_full:package_name>
    Thank you,
    The [Meteor official integations team](
  2. Go to the Atmosphere page of their package and flag it anyway. Ideally, get others to flag the wrapper package. This is important because meteor doesn't warn the user when running meteor add on a deprecated package, so we hope users will check on Atmosphere. However, each package needs several flags from different users, in order to show as flagged globally.


    • figure out namespacing exactly. Ideally we'd have an MD organization with the library name, and ask the library maintainers to create MD accounts reflecting their GitHub usernames. Problem:
    • sometimes the names are taken, e.g. moment (pinging @estark37)
    • sometimes the maintainer uses their name as the organization, and you can't have an org and individual with the same name on MD - e.g. RubaXa/Sortable
    • rarely, several libraries have the same name, e.g. RubaXa/Sortable and voidberg/html5sortable (contrived example, need a better one)
PEM-- commented 9 years ago

:smile: It's not you. It is Font-Awesome by Fort-Awesome. Check the URL: http://fo**r****n**t-Awesome/

paralin commented 9 years ago

Fort awesome ahahah!

On Tue Dec 09 2014 at 9:17:19 AM Pierre-Eric Marchandet <> wrote:

[image: :smile:] It's not you. It is Font-Awesome by Fort-Awesome. Check the URL:

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

tomByrer commented 9 years ago

@dandv You mentioned in your lightning talk that you wanted to add automatic GitHub scraping. We at jsDelivr CDN use a home-grown libgrabber. We set it up by adding a config file in our repo. Then libgrabber compares each project's local version against their GitHub-releases, & downloads the few files listed in the config. Thought you might want to study it for ideas!

dandv commented 9 years ago

Thanks @tomByrer - definitely worth a look. The less library authors have to do, the better.

splendido commented 9 years ago

Hei @dandv, I've just played with your script but this part has a little problem: it always thinks there was an error! ;-)

This is what I get on my log:

We got an error. Please post it at
--------------------------------------------- 8< --------------------------------------------------------
Reading package...
Bundling source...
Creating package version...
Uploading source...
Publishing package version...
Bundling build...
Creating package build...
Uploading build...
Publishing package build...
Published useraccounts:unstyled, version 1.4.0

--------------------------------------------- >8 --------------------------------------------------------

but this is the normal successful log from meteor publish

dandv commented 9 years ago

@splendido: thanks for the nudge - I've updated the .sh scripts for FontAwesome. As you know from jsplumb/community-edition#99, We're trying to move away from them to Gruntfile updates (see the Hammer.js integration) because library authors tend to be unsympathetic to shell scripts.

splendido commented 9 years ago

Yes I know ;-) Tnx anyway for updating!

...Yesterday I started to have a look at how the Ionic team is using TravisCI to automatically create new releases: they have a number of bash script to be run directly on Travis servers... Within their guide they say

Travis will detect that this commit changed the version in package.json and push out all necessary for this new release (tags, release files, site config, ...)

Honestly I had no time to dig it to the end, but I feel this could be something worth understanding.

also, Ionic might be another candidate for an official porting. The only available package is now urigo:ionic but somehow goes through angular-meteor which might be skipped I guess...

dandv commented 9 years ago

Happy to announce that @FezVrasta has accepted my PR for Bootstrap-Material-Design (7,600+ GitHub stars).

@splendido, @tomByrer: bug me if I don't look soon enough into libgrabber and the Ionic team's use of Travis to auto-release :) Also CDNjs,

tomByrer commented 9 years ago

Sure, & I'll assume "soon" = after the holidays :)

FezVrasta commented 9 years ago

OT, where can I open an issue for the Meteor website? (the theme has a little bug)

splendido commented 9 years ago

@dandv, We'll done! ;-) ...I'll also try to get to the end of it!

well done with bootstrap-material-design! nexts up: Semantic-UI and Ionic ...far more GitHub starts each one ;-)

dandv commented 9 years ago

@FezVrasta: at

Might also mention that the Sign In button doesn't render on IE11.

splendido commented 9 years ago

ok, I have a couple of ideas I'd like to test a bit...

Would anyone mind if I create/do the following:

  1. create a packagingbot user on (in case it is still available...)
  2. create a packaging organization
  3. add the user packagingbot to the packaging organization
  4. deploy some simple test app to
  5. create a test-package repo on GitHub under MeteorPackaging
  6. create a `meteorpackaginbot' user on github
  7. do some test publish of the above package

Might be too much but hopefully not if you think the idea is worth some testing ;-)

the title could be Automatic Meteor publish through TravisCI

create a meteor app at which requires GitHub login and gets an access token to dig into the list of your repos and then could be useful to speed up js communications with TravisCI. Anything better for JS?

The should:

  1. install meteor with curl | sh
  2. login with the meteor user which credentials are to be found among env variables. echo 'username\npassword' | meteor login
  3. git clone the repo
  4. cd into the repo
  5. possibly run tests and check they all pass
  6. run meteor publish

That's it!

Any feedback would be appreciated ;-9

dandv commented 9 years ago

@splendido: nice! I had already created the meteorpackaging MD org, and I've added you to it. Also created the packaging org and added you to it. I had created a meteorpublish user on GitHub and will email you the password.

This looks very promising; good luck with the next steps!

splendido commented 9 years ago

Oh wow, ...the easy part has gone :(

Tnx ;-)

raix commented 9 years ago

@splendido inspiration for the hard part:

Background: I've updated the mbr tool to publish binary packages on all platforms pr. auto - yesterday I failed to publish cfs:gridfs for archs, this caused alot of people (and one team) to get errors - so I didnt want to get in that situation again - why I updated the mbr tool to do the work for me.

Notes: It mbr logs in remotely - you would have to store or create .meteorsession from account details After a couple of hours testing I hit the quota... So the publish for arch farm should have special quotas You might want to coordinate with @ekatek - making sure its possible to get special quotas.

splendido commented 9 years ago

Hey @raix, thanks for the pointer!

...I have to admit I'm not sure I have completely understand your remote login and the quota problem. What I'm thinking of is to execute a bash script from a clean virtual machine on travisCI.

Something like, at least:


curl | sh
git clone
cd Meteor-cfs-gridfs
echo "$UNAME_PWD" | meteor login
meteor publish

a fresh meteor install requires about 328Mb so there should be no problems with the disk space on the VM, and the username and pwd should be among the global (protected) env variables after the initial setup to be made directly with the TravisCI API through the application.

Do you think once we'll have frequent publishes (in case this will ever happen...) we might end up making too much meteor login from the same ip address (the Travis' one)? Is this what you mean with the quota?

raix commented 9 years ago

@splendido I was thinking publish + publish-for-arch - I guess the packages you would support are 100% non-binary? got pr. user quotas - I'm not sure what they are - but I exceeded those getting the error: Build farm: Sorry, you are over your time limit. Wait a while and try again. [over-quota]

splendido commented 9 years ago

Ah ok, now I see!

...I'm not sure but I guess yes, at least at a first step, only non-binary packages. Perhaps if the game play nicely we'll support also binary ones, possibly getting in touch with MDG to get a more friendly quota ;-)

raix commented 9 years ago

would be nice :) btw. some of the features in mbr would be nice to have in such a service - I'm currently implementing an autogenerator for - just one of many things in there - you are welcome to pluck etc.

splendido commented 9 years ago

tnx @raix! I'll happily pluck in case something will come in handy ;-) for your automatic changelog, I know @geritol tried something similar that was deployed here but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Here is the repository.

raix commented 9 years ago

@splendido it looks like: And its generated when versions are bumped ready for release in mbr.

splendido commented 9 years ago

Wow, awesome work! ...apparently you don't need help at all! ...but this could be somehow expected ;-)

dandv commented 9 years ago got pr. user quotas - I'm not sure what they are - but I exceeded those getting the error: Build farm: Sorry, you are over your time limit. Wait a while and try again. [over-quota]

I'm pretty confident that if we exceed some quota, I can talk to a few folks at MDG and get an exemption.

@splendido, keep up the good work, and @raix, thanks for the help!

BTW Atmosphere now supports organization pages (thanks @tmeasday & co), so I'm populating those that I've reserved. Check out :)

raix commented 9 years ago

@splendido I cant see the code yet? :)

splendido commented 9 years ago

You cannot see it because it's empty! ;-)

...for now I played a bit with TravisCI trying to publish the publish-test package. I got it published


but with a non clean flow see the logs. Basically you can run a deploy hook after new releases and I'm running a before_deploy script to get the package published: this works, but the deploy itself (since it is a fake one) fails, so you get back a deploy fail email from TravisCI which is not a good thing :(

This pattern might be easy enough for those who have some real deploy step on Travis, but for the others I'm starting to think the right thing to do is leveraging GithHub WebHooks and get our app automatically notified about new releases. You basically get a post request on the url you specify witha payload including all necessary information.

This app should keep a list of publish action to perform inside a collection. Every time the server route is hit a new object is inserted into this collection (after needed checks) and a server-side observer triggers some script to do new publishing at each new notification.

This is what the repo for is intended for, but I wanted to check with automated flows on TravisCI before reinventing the wheel ;-)

splendido commented 9 years ago

Ok, apparently is already taken, even if nothing is being loaded. Was it you @dandv?

Otherwise seems still untaken? Should I reserve it right now?

splendido commented 9 years ago

...done! nothing awesome but ;-)

splendido commented 9 years ago

...and eventually we have a working .travis.yml to automatically publish meteor packages from TravisCI after successful tests!

Lets have a look at this log: if you got to the end and clink on after_success badge ad line 213 you'll see the output of this script which does meteor login and meteor publish only for tag commits.

If you instead have a look at this log you'll see the following log for the script:

$ ./meteor/
Checking commit...
No release commit, skipping Meteor publish...

So the flow is the following:

...I admit this script needs some love! I'll try to make it a bit more robust but any improvement is very welcome.

splendido commented 9 years ago

@raix I'm now trying to build the app. At the moment I'm getting notified on a server route by GitHub via a WebHook whenever a push/release is made on a repo.

The problem I'm facing is if I run a script calling meteor login or meteor whoami. What I get is

Error: Future resolved more than once

from which I guess it might be impossible to run meteor from a running meteor server? What would you suggest?

I'm starting to think your mrtbulkrelease will come in handy! you think it would be possible to exploit it from a meteor server app?

One problem I see is the login to meteor locally (which is actually already a remote machine) to get the remote build machine before calling mbr. I think we're going to use always the same user, which credentials can be passed through the --settings option, but still we'll need to keep a valid login session on the machine were the app is deployed.

I'm not the right person to solve this tricky topic, so any hint will be appreciated. P.S. As for the quota you where mentioning I've noticed that you can pass in the amount of minutes you want the build machine reserved, and I saw no minutes argument inside your code. I guess there's a default reservation time which you can hopefully increase just enough for your job to complete. Lets see the output of meteor help admin get-machine, even if I guess you already know about it! ;-)

dandv commented 9 years ago

Ok, apparently is already taken, even if nothing is being loaded. Was it you @dandv?

Nope. Probably something trying to deploy a lame demo about publish functions.

Otherwise seems still untaken? Should I reserve it right now?

Reserve first, ask for forgiveness later ;)

dandv commented 9 years ago

A simpler explanation for spacejam & CI than the MeteorHacks article is at Practical Meteor.

Yeah, .travis.yml is a bit obscure with that curl. Here's what I came up with after all this direct Meteor integration stuff:

language: node_js
  - "0.10.33"  # because 0.10.34 is broken by some SSL cert issue, and we don't care about Node versions that much anyway

  - npm install -g grunt-cli
  # Install meteor
  - curl | /bin/sh
  # Install spacejam, Meteor's CI helper
  - npm install -g spacejam

  - grunt meteor-test

Re. the future resolved more than once... launch meteor through another intermediary .sh script? Add a crontab entry to launch it one minute from now?

mitar commented 9 years ago

Just some random thoughts:

splendido commented 9 years ago

@mitar I've also thought about adding a GitHub sevice called like Meteor Autopublish but It seems they're not going to accept new services proposals. Lets have a look at the very end of the Service Hooks docs:

Note: If you are building a new integration, you should build it as webhook. We suggest creating an OAuth application to automatically install and manage your users’ webhooks. We will no longer be accepting new services to the github-services repository.

The application I'm trying to shape for should look more or less like the TravisCI interface: listing your repos and letting you choose which one to enable for autopublishing. Once you enable a repo, you should get a webhook automatically setup to point to When the app get notified about a new release should trigger a test-publish sequence on the remote build machine.

So I think this is exactly in line with what you're proposing.

For the test-publish on TravisCI lets see my above post: I actually used secure env vars to get username/password to login to and the publish is attempt only after successful testing.

I'll keep you posted on the progresses, even if they might be a little slow due to lack of spare time...

mitar commented 9 years ago

I think what GitHub is saying that you could use OAuth to ask user to permission to setup something they now call a "web hook", instead of creating old "service hook" and enabling that. So we create an OAuth application and then use Github API to setup a web hook which calls us at every event we are interested in. What I am saying that this should be in my opinion some other service and not overloading Travis CI.

splendido commented 9 years ago

Yeah, exactly! This is what I tried to explain above.

I've managed to got 'auto publish' with TravisCI, in case anyone would be interested in using it

But I think we're more focusing in developing a completely autonomous service exploiting GitHub OAuth permissions, a meteor app running at where you can enable your repos for autopublishing, and then from there trigger a build-test-publish on a meteor build machine every time the app get notified.

We're saying the same things I guess! ...I think it's me not being able to well explain myself with my poor English, sorry!

mitar commented 9 years ago

Oh, no, don't worry. Your English is great. I think I just stayed in one mindset and didn't recognize that you are talking about two things. :-)

All this sounds amazing!

The only thing I am missing is some integration of CLA bot into all this workflow. So to get users to sign CLAs. Then to test (Travis CI). And then to publish (what you are doing here).

splendido commented 9 years ago

Not expert about this, but I guess we'll have room to integrate it so to get a stronger position wrt repositories maintainers.

...btw, wouldn't it be enough to get them sign up to the to get their permissions to auto-publish for Meteor? We might also add some tems of use or whatever we think useful not to get into troubles...

Then when you get notified about a new tag/release you simply publish the new package. I don't think single commits or pull requests should fall within this workflow... Thoughts?

mitar commented 9 years ago

Oh, no, CLA bot is not linked to the idea of autopublish. I just listed it as an idea what is useful to have as a service on GitHub.

zimme commented 9 years ago

So created MDC as a org on meteor for Meteor Development Community if we maybe wanna create some collaborative packages in the future under a common namespace

raix commented 9 years ago


splendido commented 9 years ago

Ok guys, we're almost there! Lets have a look at :-)

Things to be done:

The thing is: I'm using a droplet of mine on digital ocean :( It is not possible to reserve a build machine with meteor admin get-machine ... since there's no meteor installed on the production server... If we could make it to convince MDG this is a valuable project and get access to three always available build machined that would be it!

... I'm using the user meteorpublish which was added to the packaging organization to test the project with this dummy package.

Feel free to experiment with it!!! ...more discussion on this issue

Let me know what you think! Luca

raix commented 9 years ago

@splendido I see you use the github login - but perhaps it should also use the Meteor login (to generalte .meteorsession on the get-machine? - the get-machine would git clone and do the heavy lifting)

splendido commented 9 years ago

I think this should be discussed more... At the moment I'm using the meteorpublish meteor user which is already logged on my remote droplet I'm using to git clone / meteor publish. This requires the meteorpublish user to be among the package maintainers (or part of the organization) in order to be able to publish: this might be enough for 3rd party libraries, but I appreciate it won't fit for private packages...

splendido commented 9 years ago

In case the thing will reveals valuable, we might think about letting each user choose whether to publish with their own meteor user (which would require both the github and meteor-developer login I might provide with the useraccounts package...) or through the meteorpublish user. ..

We'd also need a Meteor javascript API to be able to add users/maintainers to org/packages?

So far for the autopublish to work the user meteorpublish should be manually added to the maintainers even before subscribing on the website. .. With a Meteor API this could be also done on user choice, if this makes any sense...

splendido commented 9 years ago be honest, there's still a bit to do.

@raix your mbr work is awesome! I took out most of it as you suggested ;-)

hedcet commented 9 years ago

I think mpm can replace npm, bower, etc but it can't replace CDN & most of the popular third party libraries (like bootstrap, fontawesome, moment, etc) available in CDN so I think use them that's better way in production app, but in the case of offline dev version we need them locally so try to download them from CDN (like metrorhacks:npm), there is a another advantage - that is we can get any previous version of that third party library from CDN

we try to do this in jsdelivr:cdnify meteor package

zimme commented 9 years ago

Some of the official packages could actually use NODE_ENV in it's packages to check if it's development or production and unless it's development load files from cdn.

Thinking about bootstrap maybe nate and twitter could merge their packages. Using nate's approach in production mode.

hedcet commented 9 years ago

also differential:vulcanize using VULCANIZE as env variable to compress bower_components in production version

mquandalle commented 9 years ago

Also I'm not sure to be in the right thread for this, but yesterday I wanted to use jquery-textcomplete and didn't really have the time to open a pull request, explain the meteor package system, and wait it to be accepted and merged. So I created a meteor wrapper. I haven't read the whole thread, but it seems you have standard messages for this kind of PR. So if someone want to do it just take my package.js and ping me in the PR message. Thanks!