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Resumable DDP subscriptions #52

Open raix opened 9 years ago

raix commented 9 years ago

Its not possible to resume a DDP connection - I'm mainly thinking about pub/sub.



The server could have a different way to keep track of subscriptions - perhaps the client is better fittet requesting the data not on the client:

The client could tell the server what subscriptions are on the client - this way the server could query the db directly using the publish query on the client, the server time stamp and the resumed publish query.

I'll prop. write a prototype of this since its part of getting ground:db to work better with subscriptions and the iron:router.

This is not ideal to solve in packages since it requires replacing things in ddp/livedata etc. but thats been the message from @glasser so far:

Regarding server timestamp on ddp handshake: I don't think this belongs as a core part of DDP. You can always add methods (or subscriptions) that return server time. And unlike this PR, which hooks directly into the low level DDP code, that could easily be an Atmosphere package.

Note: The initial code indicating resumable subscriptions were swiped from Meteor approx: a year ago (or something - I havent tracked down a reference, but its part of a clean up by glasser)

Note about resume:

Ref server resume:

Ref about server timestamp:

mitar commented 9 years ago

It there a message from @glasser missing in the description above?

raix commented 9 years ago

just added references, and removed the label "MDG dont agree" since its not 100% clear

mquandalle commented 9 years ago

This could also be used for server side rendering. For instance the server send the 10 first items of a list in the initial HTTP response. Then the client could resume this DDP connection so we don't have to send the same data twice (is that still the case in fast-render @arunoda?).

arunoda commented 9 years ago

We don't have any kind of resuming in fast-render but it does do conflict resolving upto some point. If we need to do resumable stuff I think we need to manage changes in a way how git works.

So, that's a big topic.

mitar commented 9 years ago

If we need to do resumable stuff I think we need to manage changes in a way how git works.

What has git with this?