MeteorDevelopment / meteor-client

Based Minecraft utility mod.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.15k stars 796 forks source link

ca, aa, ka, surround improvement(more useful this time) #2930

Open qeqeqeplayer533 opened 1 year ago

qeqeqeplayer533 commented 1 year ago

Describe the feature

crystal aura: make a option so that you can allow air place for support blocks and place range/place range through block for support blocks. options for face place so you can set the min damage of face place and max damage for face place. an options called "damage ratio" in crystal aura, what the "damage ratio" option do is there is a damage ratio slider(maybe 1.0-10.0?) and it checks the damage the crystal will do to an enemy and the damage do to you, if damage ratio is set to 2.0, and the crystal will do 3.0 damage to you, then it will only crystal your enemy if your enemy will receive at least 6.0 damage. if the "damage ratio" is 10 and the damage crystal will do to you is 2.0, it will only crystal your enemy if the enemy receive at least 20.0 damage, there should be an check box to disable "damage ratio". add more rotate options(place, break, none, all) and separate rotate speeds slider for both place and break.

anchor aura: add range to place/break through walls, add a check box to allow or disallow anchor air place, add separate rotate speeds slider for both place and break.

kill aura: add rotate speeds slider, add an option called "look delay"(maybe name to something else) to kill aura, what it does is that when rotate options is on, it will look at the targeted entity for at least how many ticks(needs a slider, 1-20?) before attacking it.

surround: add options called allow air place(it allows or disallow air place of surround blocks), blocks per placement of blocks per tick(adds how many blocks are allowed to place per tick/placement). and add a module called tps compatibility, it checks the server tps and slows down other modules to fit with the server tps.

Before submitting a suggestion

qeqeqeplayer533 commented 1 year ago

forgot to mention, also add "damage ratio" to anchor aura as will.

qeqeqeplayer533 commented 1 year ago

can you tell me what addon is it in and how is "damage ratio" not useful? I mean I like more settings

qeqeqeplayer533 commented 1 year ago

is banana+ clean?

qeqeqeplayer533 commented 1 year ago

nvm I have anti virus anyway

RacoonDog commented 1 year ago

crystal aura: make a option so that you can allow air place for support blocks and place range/place range through block for support blocks. options for face place so you can set the min damage of face place and max damage for face place. an options called "damage ratio" in crystal aura, what the "damage ratio" option do is there is a damage ratio slider(maybe 1.0-10.0?) and it checks the damage the crystal will do to an enemy and the damage do to you, if damage ratio is set to 2.0, and the crystal will do 3.0 damage to you, then it will only crystal your enemy if your enemy will receive at least 6.0 damage. if the "damage ratio" is 10 and the damage crystal will do to you is 2.0, it will only crystal your enemy if the enemy receive at least 20.0 damage, there should be an check box to disable "damage ratio". add more rotate options(place, break, none, all) and separate rotate speeds slider for both place and break.

please learn to format text in a way that makes it not frustrating to read 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

LTBlueLatios commented 1 year ago

can you tell me what addon is it in and how is "damage ratio" not useful? I mean I like more settings

This tells me you haven't had much experience with client pvp