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fork js-combinatorics and smooth #15

Open dnuske opened 9 years ago

dnuske commented 9 years ago

According to meteorpedia I should request you to fork repositories to add existing libraries package wrappers. I want to add 2: js-combinatorics ( and Smooth.js (

splendido commented 9 years ago

I'm not at the pc right now, I'll make the forks tomorrow!


splendido commented 9 years ago

@dnuske, done!

See Smooth and js-combinatronics.

The only (bad) thing I've noticed is that Smooth has no GitHub releases so it won't be possible to get webhooks on new ones... we should try ask the maintainer to start using them ;-)

dnuske commented 9 years ago

@splendido thanks! Should I push the Meteor package wrapper to a specific branch on the forked repos?

splendido commented 9 years ago

we used to use meteor-integration but it's not mandatory ;-)