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No more wrappers. Introducing rocket:module. #40

Open dandv opened 8 years ago

dandv commented 8 years ago

rocket:module is a package that adds ES2015/ES6 module support for Meteor. Particularly interesting for us @MeteorPackaging is that

By using rocket:module, we can remove pollution from the Atmosphere.

@trusktr, as the author of rocket:module, can you expand a bit on that, and how it would be a better solution than similar approaches that have been used in the past, such as @arunoda's meteorhacks:npm and @mquandalle's bower for Meteor?

I've also created an issue on Atmosphere regarding the discoverability of packages hosted outside of it.

trusktr commented 8 years ago

Hello! Sorry I never replied to this. As may be obvious, rocket:module is deprecated in favor of Meteor 1.3 modules. There's also webpack:webpack which has essentially taken the role that rocket:module had.