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I'd lik to create an official package for Dragula #44

Open Pushplaybang opened 8 years ago

Pushplaybang commented 8 years ago

I'd like to create an official package for the awesome drag and drop library dragula, (once thats through I'd also like to create official packages for the angular, and react bridges)

first timer - so I assume I need to address this to an owner like @dandv

The original library can be found here :

I created an issue, which I now realise isn't the official procedure where the author said he's not interested in maintaining a package for meteor, but I'd be happy to as its an incredible library.

splendido commented 8 years ago

Please feel free to prepare a repository following the latest trend as explained here (WIP)

Make sure you get an organization namespace reserved for the new official package and add @dandv, @splendido, @zimme, and whoever else you think should be in among its members.

Once you think you're good to go (which means tests pass...) feel free to publish the package and transfer ownership of your repository to MeteorPackaging. We'll then organize teams and permissions. ...or write a comment here when you think you're ready to get a final review before actual publish.