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Eliminate drop down menu in profile settings. New Settings UI. #83

Open bsteinbeigle opened 3 years ago

bsteinbeigle commented 3 years ago

I concur. A drop down menu does not promote the best UI. On my to do list is to think through the UI on the existing contacts and edit profile forms. I think at the menu in the top right, the filter feature should eventually go there which I'm ok to hold off on implementing until further down the road after we get some initial testing out of the way.

bsteinbeigle commented 2 years ago

@kaxline in lieu of having a drop down menu when viewing a message or when a user is viewing their own profile in settings, lets use Icons/buttons. Sign-out can remain in the drop down menu as is or if its not too much of a development effort at this stage, be included only in settings. Further inspiration forthcoming.

bsteinbeigle commented 2 years ago

@kaxline here is a sketch for being able to add connections in messaging. Right now when clicking the drop down list in the top menu and clicking see/add participants it points me to a page with a list view of those who are in the conversation with the option to add additional people.

The sketch below is just an idea of a proposed change to help clean up the UI. I'm thinking we can add an icon for add friends (person with a plus symbol next to it if available) in the top menu and once the icon was clicked on it would point you to a new page with a list of your contacts profile pics with a checkbox next to each profile pic similar to what already exists when you click on add contacts OR clicking on the icon would open up a scrollable sidebar menu or bottom menu that would have profile pics checked off for those already in the conversation and your other contacts that could be added to the conversation. Thoughts? In this next development push I want to get away from how see/add participants, create group and expand group are shown in the app. I'm ok if clicking on an icon points you to a new page for the items above if that simplifies the dev. effort however to your point I do believe we need icons in the menu for this functionality before I really start testing the app. Add friends in messaging

bsteinbeigle commented 2 years ago

@kaxline This should leave us with how to display viewing ones connections in your profile and editing your profile. I will get back to you with some UI ideas.

bsteinbeigle commented 2 years ago

@kaxline Here are some UI sketches for changes to make in settings. unnamed 3 unnamed (2) unnamed 4 unnamed 5 unnamed

bsteinbeigle commented 2 years ago

@kaxline Been thinking about how to best capture notifications, viewing your existing connections, and viewing events one is either hosting or has RSVP'd to in settings. The main feature to note is the scrollable menu at the top. It looks like material design offers a solution for this. To make it easier down the road for a guy to find an event he is going to or search for a friend he recently added we can add search functionality down the road to settings. Now that I think about it more we can probably do away with having filter functionality in addition to be able to search in notifications for example so you can ignore that part of the UI for now unless there is a cost to benefit savings approach we should be thinking about? Search seems to make more sense from my standpoint in settings.

bsteinbeigle commented 2 years ago

When viewing events in settings you'll notice I've included a floating action button directly below the scrollable menu to toggle between events someone is hosting and events someone has only RSVP'd to. The UI is copied and pasted from the UI in browsing and creating an event to hopefully same some time when developing. I've also included a scrollable tab for notifications. My thoughts are we could use the same notifications when pushing out to users via SMS text or via email to simplify as well. Let me know what you think about the UI. Below I will also include possible notifications we can include. I tried to cover every scenario here but I'm sure I missed a couple we will need to think about. Inspiration is also included below.

bsteinbeigle commented 2 years ago

unnamed 6 Scrollable Menu Inspiration Notification Inspiration

bsteinbeigle commented 2 years ago

@kaxline Below is the updated flow/UI for my connections under the settings tab. This supersedes changes sent previously in this issue. Major change here is utilizing "connections" in the drop-down menu how it currently is. Upon selecting connections in the drop-down menu, it would take you to the UI attached with mini profile cards. I was hung up a bit on how to best incorporate being able to search for connections, but my guess is we could cut down on the dev. effort utilizing similar functionality used for creating a new message in messaging. An alternative to what I have shown below is after someone searched for "Chris" for example in their connections, they could select the radio button next to the Chris they were looking for (just like what is already being done in messaging) and then in the top right-hand corner where in messaging it says "create" someone could select "search" or "view" and that would take them to the profile they were searching for with the option to go back to the search window. What do you think?

My Connections Search 1 My Connections Search 2 My Connections Search Window