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Bookdown vs Quarto #14

Closed jhorzek closed 1 year ago

jhorzek commented 1 year ago

Das Unternehmen hinter RStudio hat vor kurzem Quarto vorgestellt. Quarto ist eine Alternative zu Bookdown und Rmarkdown, die einheitlicher und moderner sein soll. Ich habe bisher noch kaum Erfahrung mit Quarto, aber meine Rmardown Dokumente ließen sich extrem einfach in Quarto umwandeln.

@Vivian, könntest Du schauen,

Wenn es sehr einfach ist, zu wechseln, dann sollten wir das eventuell auch noch machen.

vs723 commented 1 year ago

Hi Jannik, mit einer ersten Recherche habe ich folgendes gefunden. Sag gern, ob dir das erstmal reicht oder ich mehr recherchieren soll: Vorteile von Quatro o Multi-language, next-generation version of R Markdown o Is able to render most existing Rmd files without modification o .qmd (Quatro-document) Is possible to be rendered into HTML, PDF, word, website, book, interactive document, presentation etc. o You can see what you’ve done in the file visually (so, how the website will look like) with RStudio’s visual editor o Website navigation can be done through a global navbar or a sidebar with links + full text search for websites is possible o Uqatro book as more features available, including almost all from bookdown o Has better project organization features and pandoc features (the technical publishing system is built on Randoc) o Quatro brings the bookdown logic to other users outside of R, but R users benefit as well o Quatro documents are authored using markdown o Embeds code & output from Phyton, R and JavaScript via integration with Jupyter, Knitr & Observable o You don’t need to use markdown from R anymore  you can simply go from phyton, javascript o Variety of extensions, e.g., cross-references, sub-figures, layout panels, hoverable citations, footnotes, callouts o Extensions such as blogdown for blogs, bookdown for books, xaringan for slides -> less complicated to switch from blog to website or slides o For more detailed information see o Apparently, you can also use emojis, copy/paste from any formatted Google Docs & it will appear accordingly in the visual editor

Weiterentwicklung Bookdown? o Quatro will not replace Bookdown, both will continue o Development of bookdown will continue, e.g., fixing bugs and smaller enhancements but the major new features will only be available in Quatro books (e.g., HTML5 books) o For a new project, they recommend having a look at Quatro Books first, esp. if not only R code chunks are involved o “while we don't plan on major feature initiatives in R Markdown and related packages, we are going to continue to maintain them (smaller improvements and bug fixes) for a long time to come” o Future development will be based on Quatro

Wechsel von Bookdown zu Quatro o Output of book (made with Quatro) will be written to the _book sub-directory of your book project o You can publish Quatro websites and documents to GitHub Pages when you have your source code managed within a GitHub repository ( o Experience of someone who converted his slides from bookdown to Quatro ( -> You will need to rename the files, render your equations, work on cross referencing, reformat some R chunks ->So, you need to do a bit of hand-editing o Conversion guide: o They are thinking about offering migration tools from bookdown to quatro, to make it as easy as possible o If you are happy with how bookdown works and how its format looks, then there is really no need to make a switch. o (= Notes on Changing from Bookdown to quatro)

jhorzek commented 1 year ago

Vielen Dank für Die Übersicht! Ich denke der Punkt "Development of bookdown will continue, e.g., fixing bugs and smaller enhancements but the major new features will only be available in Quatro books (e.g., HTML5 books)" spricht eigentlich gleich für einen Wechsel zu Quarto; sonst müssen wir in ein paar Jahren gleich wieder auf ein neues System umziehen. Ich habe mal ausprobiert, die Seite in Quarto zu übersetzen, was sich dank Deiner Ressourcen als relativ überschaubares Unterfangen herausgestellt hat. Hier findet Ihr die Quarto - Variante: