MethodsAndPractices / vsteam

PowerShell module for accessing Azure DevOps Services and Azure DevOps Server (formerly VSTS or TFS)
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Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline does nothing #394

Closed SuperJMN closed 3 years ago

SuperJMN commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to do a test run of my local pipeline.

Using Postman, everything goes fine, as you can see here:


Steps to reproduce

Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline -Project KeskoMedea -PipelineId 279 -FilePath './azure-pipelines.yml'

Expected behavior

I would expect a new run for my pipeline

Actual behavior

Name url                                                                                                  state   Id
---- ---                                                                                                  -----   -- unknown -1

Environment data



> Get-VSTeamAPIVersion
Billing                     : 5.1-preview.1
Build                       : 5.1
Core                        : 5.1
DistributedTask             : 6.0-preview
DistributedTaskReleased     : 5.1
ExtensionsManagement        : 6.0-preview
Git                         : 5.1
Graph                       : 6.0-preview
HierarchyQuery              : 5.1-preview
MemberEntitlementManagement : 6.0-preview
Packaging                   : 6.0-preview
Pipelines                   : 5.1-preview
Policy                      : 5.1
Processes                   : 6.0-preview
Release                     : 5.1
ServiceEndpoints            : 5.0-preview
TaskGroups                  : 6.0-preview
Tfvc                        : 5.1
VariableGroups              : 5.1-preview.1
Version                     : VSTS
> $PSVersionTable
Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      5.1.19041.906
PSEdition                      Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                   10.0.19041.906
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion              3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
SebastianSchuetze commented 3 years ago

thanks for posting

The cmdlet is not running a pipeline but it is testing the yaml code and returns errors if there are some. It is for checking yaml code without have to commit it.

DarqueWarrior commented 3 years ago

Can we close this? It appears to be working as expected right?

SuperJMN commented 3 years ago

In my opinion, the cmdlet should be a bit more explanatory when it comes to errors.

SebastianSchuetze commented 3 years ago

What would you suggest to be more explanatory?

Better documentation?

The API itself does not return an error. So it seems that for the API it was fine.

For easier check could you paste the yaml code here that you made the call with so we can check the return value and also see if something can be improved?

We need the help of others to improve this as we do this in our spare time. Not a full time job here. ☺️

SebastianSchuetze commented 3 years ago

@SuperJMN I checked your case again. Your POST man test is returning the same response as the cmdlet. The cmdlet help is also helpful in explaining what it does.

If you are looking for starting a pipeline you always have to commit the YAML and then run the pipeline because the agent running the pipeline always has to have the code itself.

But I made a small effort to improve the help a bit and make it clearer.

PS C:\> Get-Help Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline -Detailed


    Tests the commited YAML pipeline files to check for inconsitencies. Now, you can try out 
    a YAML pipeline without committing it to a repo or running it. Given an existing
    pipeline and an optional new YAML payload, this function will give you back the full     
    YAML pipeline.

    Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline [[-PipelineId] <Int32>] [-FilePath <String>] -ProjectName        
    <String> [<CommonParameters>]

    Tests the commited YAML pipeline files to check for inconsitencies. Now, you can try out 
    a YAML pipeline without committing it to a repo or running it. Given an existing
    pipeline and an optional new YAML payload, this function will give you back the full     
    YAML pipeline.

    -PipelineId <Int32>
        Id of the YAML pipeline to be checked

    -FilePath <String>
        Path to the file that should be checked

    -ProjectName <String>
        Specifies the team project for which this function operates.

        You can tab complete from a list of available projects.

        You can use Set-VSTeamDefaultProject to set a default project so you do not have to   
        pass the ProjectName with each call.

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
        about_CommonParameters (

    -------------------------- Example 1 --------------------------

    Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline -Project DemoProject -PipelineId 24 -FilePath

    Name Id url
    ---- -- ---
    /24/runs/-1 unknown

    This example checks the YAML pipeline with ID 24 and the file './azure-pipelines.yml'     
    for consistency on Azure DevOps to see if the changes still work.
    -------------------------- Example 2 --------------------------

    $yamlOverride = [string](Get-Content -raw $FilePath)
    Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline -Project DemoProject -PipelineId 24 -YamlOverride $yamlOverride   

    This example checks the YAML pipeline with ID 24 and the content of a yaml file in the    
    variable $yamlOverride for consistency on Azure DevOps to see if the changes still work.  
    -------------------------- Example 3 --------------------------

    $yamlOverride = [string](Get-Content -raw $FilePath)
    Test-VSTeamYamlPipeline -Project DemoProject -PipelineId 24

    This example checks the YAML pipeline with ID 24 for consistency on Azure DevOps to see   
    if the existing YAML of the pipeline works.