MethodsAndPractices / vsteam

PowerShell module for accessing Azure DevOps Services and Azure DevOps Server (formerly VSTS or TFS)
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Add Get-VSTeamAadGroupMembers to the module #441

Open SebastianSchuetze opened 2 years ago

SebastianSchuetze commented 2 years ago

Add the following API to the cmdlets:

It allowed to query members of an AAD group within AzDO

Execute the below API to search and get the details of the AAD group you want to add. Request URI:


Request body:

    "query": "{AAD group name}",
    "identityTypes": ["user", "group"],
    "operationScopes": ["ims", "source"],
    "options": {
        "MinResults": 5,
        "MaxResults": 40
    "properties": [

Response body:

    "results": [
            "queryToken": "addtovsts",
            "identities": [
                    "entityId": "{entityId}",
                    "entityType": "Group",
                    "originDirectory": "aad",
                    "originId": "{AAD group ID}",
                    "localDirectory": null,
                    "localId": null,
                    "displayName": "{AAD group name}",
                    "scopeName": "{AAD name}",
                    "samAccountName": null,
                    "active": null,
                    "subjectDescriptor": null,
                    "department": null,
                    "jobTitle": null,
                    "mail": "{mail}",
                    "mailNickname": "{mailNickname}",
                    "physicalDeliveryOfficeName": null,
                    "signInAddress": null,
                    "surname": null,
                    "guest": false,
                    "telephoneNumber": null,
                    "description": null,
                    "isMru": false
            "pagingToken": ""

With the details returned from previous API, execute the below API to add the AAD group to the Pull Request. Request URI:


Request body:

    "entityId": "{entityId}",
    "entityType": "Group",
    "active": null,
    "department": null,
    "description": null,
    "displayName": "{AAD group name}",
    "guest": false,
    "id": "{AAD group ID}",
    "isAadIdentity": true,
    "isContainer": true,
    "isHosted": true,
    "isMru": false,
    "isRequired": false,  // 'true' will set the group as the Required Reviewer, 'false' is Optional Reviewer
    "jobTitle": null,
    "localDirectory": null,
    "localId": null,
    "mail": "{mail}",  // if you did not set mail, set the value same as 'mailNickname'
    "mailNickname": "{mailNickname}",
    "originDirectory": "aad",
    "originId": "{AAD group ID}",
    "physicalDeliveryOfficeName": null,
    "samAccountName": null,
    "scopeName": "{AAD name}",
    "signInAddress": null,
    "subjectDescriptor": null,
    "surname": null,
    "telephoneNumber": null,
    "vote": 0