Closed real-pikey closed 3 days ago
it's probably in paged out memory, so you gotto restart your computer or restart winlogon.exe
I completely shutdown my computer waited 5 seconds, then started it back up but it still seems I cannot read the key state. I have it setup like this at the moment
if (!mem.GetKeyboard()->InitKeyboard()) { std::cout << "Failed to initialize keyboard hotkeys through kernel." << std::endl; this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(5)); return 1; }
while (true) { if (mem.GetKeyboard()->IsKeyDown(KEY_A)) cout << "yes"; else cout << "no"; Sleep(1000); }
which I assume is fine, and I just hold my a key down but it just keeps printing no.
I realised that I was using a bit of an older version (without the Ubr), and I just tried to update it but it constantly crashes. long story short it can't seem to get the value from my registry so I manually put the value into InputManager.cpp and then attempted it again but it still cannot get my key state.
I realised that I was using a bit of an older version (without the Ubr), and I just tried to update it but it constantly crashes. long story short it can't seem to get the value from my registry so I manually put the value into InputManager.cpp and then attempted it again but it still cannot get my key state.
Reverse win32kbase & win32ksgd.sys and see if the offsets are still correct on the windows versions you're running. refer to #31 on how to find the offsets
Okay, thank you.
I opened win32kbase.sys with ida and found this. is this correct?
and also for the win32ksgd.sys am I looking for the same function name or what exactly am I looking for in that driver?
Just checked the code and they are both the same (0x36A8)
That seems correct, try also opening win32ksgd.sys and find gSessionGlobalSlots
and confirm if it's still 0x3110 to the ptr
It seems to all be correct, if you want, for more information, I can post my current inputmanager.cpp in case I accidently changed something in there.
I guess you can send that over incase you did do smth wrong by accident
#include "pch.h"
#include "InputManager.h"
#include "Registry.h"
#include "Memory/Memory.h"
bool c_keys::InitKeyboard()
std::string win = registry.QueryValue("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\CurrentBuild", e_registry_type::sz);
int Winver = 0;
if (!win.empty())
Winver = std::stoi(win);
return false;
std::string ubr = registry.QueryValue("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\UBR", e_registry_type::dword);
int Ubr = 4037;
this->win_logon_pid = mem.GetPidFromName("winlogon.exe");
if (Winver > 22000)
auto pids = mem.GetPidListFromName("csrss.exe");
for (size_t i = 0; i < pids.size(); i++)
auto pid = pids[i];
uintptr_t tmp = VMMDLL_ProcessGetModuleBaseU(mem.vHandle, pid, const_cast<LPSTR>("win32ksgd.sys"));
uintptr_t g_session_global_slots = tmp + 0x3110;
uintptr_t user_session_state = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
user_session_state = mem.Read<uintptr_t>(mem.Read<uintptr_t>(mem.Read<uintptr_t>(g_session_global_slots, pid) + 8 * i, pid), pid);
if (user_session_state > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFF)
if (Winver >= 22631 && Ubr >= 3810)
gafAsyncKeyStateExport = user_session_state + 0x36A8;
gafAsyncKeyStateExport = user_session_state + 0x3690;
if (gafAsyncKeyStateExport > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFF)
if (gafAsyncKeyStateExport > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFF)
return true;
return false;
std::cout << "in else";
bool result = VMMDLL_Map_GetEATU(mem.vHandle, mem.GetPidFromName("winlogon.exe") | VMMDLL_PID_PROCESS_WITH_KERNELMEMORY, (LPSTR)"win32kbase.sys", &eat_map);
if (!result)
return false;
if (eat_map->dwVersion != VMMDLL_MAP_EAT_VERSION)
eat_map_entry = NULL;
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < eat_map->cMap; i++)
eat_map_entry = eat_map->pMap + i;
if (strcmp(eat_map_entry->uszFunction, "gafAsyncKeyState") == 0)
gafAsyncKeyStateExport = eat_map_entry->vaFunction;
eat_map = NULL;
if (gafAsyncKeyStateExport > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFF)
return true;
return false;
void c_keys::UpdateKeys()
uint8_t previous_key_state_bitmap[64] = { 0 };
memcpy(previous_key_state_bitmap, state_bitmap, 64);
VMMDLL_MemReadEx(mem.vHandle, this->win_logon_pid | VMMDLL_PID_PROCESS_WITH_KERNELMEMORY, gafAsyncKeyStateExport, (PBYTE)&state_bitmap, 64, NULL, VMMDLL_FLAG_NOCACHE);
for (int vk = 0; vk < 256; ++vk)
if ((state_bitmap[(vk * 2 / 8)] & 1 << vk % 4 * 2) && !(previous_key_state_bitmap[(vk * 2 / 8)] & 1 << vk % 4 * 2))
previous_state_bitmap[vk / 8] |= 1 << vk % 8;
bool c_keys::IsKeyDown(uint32_t virtual_key_code)
if (gafAsyncKeyStateExport < 0x7FFFFFFFFFFF)
return false;
if (std::chrono::system_clock::now() - start > std::chrono::milliseconds(5))
start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
return state_bitmap[(virtual_key_code * 2 / 8)] & 1 << virtual_key_code % 4 * 2;
Same issue here, same offsets 22H2 22621
any update?
This is my first time using this library (it's been a huge help) but I have ran into my first problem. I am not sure if this is a me problem or maybe windows has fixed something, but I am trying to get the key state on my main pc using the mem.GetKeyboard()->InitKeyboard() and mem.GetKeyboard()->IsKeyDown(VK_ESCAPE). I have tried using the kmbox monitor but that did not work as well so I thought I would try this way but it just doesn't seem to throw any errors. I did start logging values and gafAsyncKeyStateExport seemed the most important so this is what mine prints as: gafAsyncKeyStateExport: ffffa78f76d4c690, it doesn't seem to be invalid, so I am not too sure on what is incorrect. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.