MetricMoose / sms-remote-starter

The code for my Arduino-powered remote starter trigger
8 stars 2 forks source link

the code can not work successfully #1

Open pjack2017 opened 7 years ago

pjack2017 commented 7 years ago

Dear Ben, first of all introduce my name is joko. I had already tried your code with hardware as follow.

// SIM900 Shield Serial Pins SoftwareSerial SIM900(2, 3);

// Set to true if you want confirmation text messages boolean respond = true;

// Key fob pins int lockPin = 7; int starterPin = 6; int unlockPin = 5; int auxPin = 4;

// Replace with the number of the controlling phone String myPhoneNum = "+6282132193301";

void setup() { pinMode(9, OUTPUT); pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

pinMode(lockPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(starterPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(unlockPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(auxPin, OUTPUT);

Serial.begin(2400); // for serial monitor Serial.println("Starting."); SIM900.begin(2400); // Serial for GSM shield SIM900poweron(); // turn on shield

//Wake up modem with an AT command sendCommand("AT", "OK", 1000); if(sendCommand("AT", "OK", 1000) == 1){ Serial.println("Module started"); } if(sendCommand("AT+CNMI=0,0,0,0,0", "OK", 1000) == 1){ Serial.println("Notifications disabled"); } if(sendCommand("AT+CMGF=1", "OK", 1000) == 1){ Serial.println("Text mode enabled"); } if(sendCommand("AT+CSCLK=2", "OK", 1000) == 1){ Serial.println("Sleeping enabled"); }


void loop() { //Wake up modem with two AT commands sendCommand("AT", "OK", 1000); sendCommand("AT", "OK", 2000); // Check if it's currently registered to Speakout if(sendCommand("AT+CREG?","+CREG: 0,1",1000)){

Serial.println("tersambung dalam jaringan");

// Try to get the first SMS. Reply prefixed with +CMGR: if there's a new SMS
if(sendCommand("AT+CMGR=1", "+CMGR: ", 1000) == 1){ 
  String serialContent = "";
  char serialCharacter;

  while(SIM900.available()) {
    serialCharacter =;

  // Dividing up the new SMS
  String smsNumber = serialContent.substring(14,26);

  String smsMessage = serialContent.substring(53,serialContent.length()-8);

  Serial.println("New SMS Message");
  // Delete all SMS messages in memory
  sendCommand("AT+CMGD=1,4", "OK", 1000);

  // Check if it's coming from my phone
  if(smsNumber == myPhoneNum){
    if(smsMessage == "start"){
      if(respond){ sendSms("Car Started"); }
    else if(smsMessage == "lock"){
      if(respond){ sendSms("Doors Locked"); }
    else if(smsMessage == "unlock"){
      if(respond){ sendSms("Doors Unlocked"); }
    else if(smsMessage == "trunk"){
      if(respond){ sendSms("Trunk Popped"); }
    else if(smsMessage == "finder"){
      if(respond){ sendSms("Finder Activated"); }
    else if(smsMessage == "rspon"){
      respond = true;
      sendSms("Respond to commands: On");
    else if(smsMessage == "rspoff"){
      respond = false;
      sendSms("Respond to commands: Off");

      if(respond){ sendSms("Invalid command"); }
      Serial.println("Invalid command");
  Serial.println("No SMS messages"); 

} else{ Serial.println("Not connected to home cell network"); }


void sendSms(String message){ Serial.println("Sending message"); char smsCommand[23];

String commandStr = "AT+CMGS=\"" + myPhoneNum + "\""; commandStr.toCharArray(smsCommand,23);

if(sendCommand(smsCommand, ">", 1000)){ SIM900.println(message); SIM900.println((char)26); SIM900.println(); delay(2000); } }

void carLock(){ digitalWrite(lockPin, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(lockPin, LOW); Serial.println("Doors locked"); }

void carUnlock(){ digitalWrite(unlockPin, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(unlockPin, LOW); Serial.println("Doors unlocked"); }

void carStart(){ digitalWrite(starterPin, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(starterPin, LOW); Serial.println("Car Starting");

void carTrunk(){ digitalWrite(auxPin, HIGH); delay(2000); digitalWrite(auxPin, LOW); Serial.println("Trunk Released");

void carFind(){ digitalWrite(auxPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(starterPin, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(auxPin, LOW); digitalWrite(starterPin, LOW); Serial.println("Car Finder Activated"); }

void SIM900poweron() // Software equivalent of pressing the GSM shield "power" button { //Wake up modem with an AT command sendCommand("AT", "OK", 1000); if(sendCommand("AT", "OK", 2000) == 0){ digitalWrite(9, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(9, LOW); delay(7000); }


int sendCommand(char ATcommand, char expected_answer, unsigned int timeout){

int answer=0;
int responsePos=0;
char response[100];
unsigned long previous;

memset(response, '\0', 100);    // Clears array


while( SIM900.available() > 0);    // Clean the input buffer

SIM900.println(ATcommand);    // Send the AT command 

responsePos = 0;
previous = millis();

// this loop waits for the answer
    // if there are data in the UART input buffer, reads it and checks for the asnwer
    if(SIM900.available() != 0){    
        response[responsePos] =;
        // check if the desired answer is in the response of the module
        if (strstr(response, expected_answer) != NULL)    
          answer = 1;
    // Waits for the asnwer with time out
}while((answer == 0) && ((millis() - previous) < timeout));    
return answer;


When I running the code everything seems tobe right, but after i send sms to it, in serrial monitor had stoped for few second and displyaed with header "New Message" and the next line is empty (no phone number and message are displayed) after that the program start looping again also they are no replied message to my cellular phone that i used to control the arduino. I had already tried for several time to changed include library to find the problem but till today not solved.

is that something wrong with my modified code? I'm Very Appreciate if you could help to resolve the problem.

Thanks in Advance

pjack2017 commented 7 years ago


ianhu commented 5 years ago

Hi, did you get this working.

I have the same issue and it never execute the command.

What code did you change to fix it?
