Metro1998 / hppo-in-traffic-signal-control

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SUMOEnv #9

Open ohhhor2 opened 2 months ago

ohhhor2 commented 2 months ago

There may be some error exiting in the file envs/ perhaps for the code was in a Git conflict state, could you please update this file? (Additionally, I was wondering if you could provide a more detailed README file that includes step-by-step instructions for setting up the environment, installing dependencies, and executing the code. This would greatly assist me in understanding and utilizing your project effectively.)

Metro1998 commented 2 months ago

I will update the README and address some version conflicts soon. Please hang tight for a while.

ohhhor2 commented 2 months ago

I will update the README and address some version conflicts soon. Please hang tight for a while.

Thanks a lot!

ohhhor2 commented 1 month ago


Metro1998 commented 1 month ago

应该在envs/文件夹里面有一个你用那个文件本地注册一下就行了。我现在人在毕业旅行(捂脸表情) 本地注册可以参照 f

ohhhor2 commented 1 month ago

那个SUMOEnv.py里面有一些乱码,不能正常运行,我查了一下说是可能是git时出的问题,所以请问可以麻烦在方便的时候重新传一下这个文件嘛🥺🥺🥺 anyway,祝作者大人毕业快乐,前程似锦!🎉🎉🎉🎉