Closed HariShrestha closed 5 years ago
This appears to be a Design specification rather than a Requirement specification. This is because it states how a feature should be implemented rather than what the feature is.
This particular story is also outside the scope of the Quality Tools for BlueJ project in that it doesn't address an aspect of integrating quality assessment tools in a BlueJ extension. It appears to be potentially relevant to the BlueJ product itself, so you may wish to make a recommendation to BlueJ product developers.
Note also that the format of this issue submission doesn't match or make use of the template. See other accepted user stories for examples (such as #4). A more meaningful title is desired so that issues can be identified from the titles alone.
For each of these reasons, this issue is being closed.
User Story
As a student I want all my projects show on the left side of the blue j so that I can open any previous project without wasting my time.
Essential components
As a stakeholder type I want desired outcome so that stakeholder value rationale
Acceptance Criteria
Rules or scenarios are acceptable formats.
Scenario 1 Given initial state or conditions when event or action then specified outcome
Supporting Information