MetroCS / cs3250_practice

Practice repository for cs3250
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[USER-STORY] Create factor class and associated constructor #130

Open Garret-Gallant opened 1 week ago

Garret-Gallant commented 1 week ago

User Story

Recognized stakeholder types: Maintainer


As a maintainer
I want to be able to create one or many Factors
so that I may be able to follow up with further development work regarding the DSS.

Acceptance Criteria

Choose either rules or scenarios and ensure they are verifiable from the perspective of the stakeholder


Scenario 1

Given the DSS app when I access the source code then There should be factors as a class inclusive of a constructor to create new instantiations of factors

Supporting Information

A database and so on to store factors that have been created can come later, for now the concept of a factor should exist at its most base level in order to be better iterated upon in future tickets
