As a maintainer
I want to be able to create one or many Factors
so that I may be able to follow up with further development work regarding the DSS.
Acceptance Criteria
Choose either rules or scenarios and ensure they are verifiable from the perspective of the stakeholder
There is a new class file that includes the definition of a factor
The factor class has class variables that neatly define what a factor will need (can be iterated upon as need for new features comes up)
The factor class has a constructor that allows for the creation of a new instance of a factor
Scenario 1
Given the DSS app
when I access the source code
then There should be factors as a class inclusive of a constructor to create new instantiations of factors
Supporting Information
A database and so on to store factors that have been created can come later, for now the concept of a factor should exist at its most base level in order to be better iterated upon in future tickets
User Story
Recognized stakeholder types: Maintainer
As a maintainer
I want to be able to create one or many Factors
so that I may be able to follow up with further development work regarding the DSS.
Acceptance Criteria
Choose either rules or scenarios and ensure they are verifiable from the perspective of the stakeholder
Scenario 1
Given the DSS app when I access the source code then There should be factors as a class inclusive of a constructor to create new instantiations of factors
Supporting Information
A database and so on to store factors that have been created can come later, for now the concept of a factor should exist at its most base level in order to be better iterated upon in future tickets