Open NoorMohamed1885 opened 1 month ago
This user story provides a very good start!
Here are areas that need to be addressed before it can be moved into Ready.
There's ambiguity about what order is meant in the story saying "in order". (For example, does alphabetical order satisfy this user story?)
The acceptance criteria rules are too vague to be definitive. How is the meaning of "easy" measured? If we don't have a way to measure something then we can't assert whether or not the product meets the specification.
The acceptance criteria scenario implies too much about the design/implementation of the product (e.g., the existence of a "ranked decisions page").
Please have your collaborator add a comment to this issue so that they can be recognized and added as an assignee.
Update the title to better reflect this user story, and to match with the user story template.
I've removed the "Rules" section to make this a little easier to read.
Is the following more in line with what you intended this to convey?
Given the product has ranked the decision-maker's alternatives when the decision-maker views the resulting ranked alternatives then the order in which they are shown matches their relative rankings (highest to lowest).
I've modified wording for clarity while maintaining the original meaning (title, story, acceptance criteria).
I think we should break this up into an epic, because this ticket is inclusive of the logic and rendering of the entire cli tool, inclusive of class, class variables, and methods, as well as the main rendering output method.
Is it possible to break this tix down into a few separate tix that are more digestible for individual team members?
User Story
As a decision-maker
I want to see the decision outcomes (alternatives) ordered by as a result of combining my evaluations
so that I can easily view the top alternatives.
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario 1
Given The user has entered all necessary information into the product
when the outcomes are shown by the product as a list then the highest ranked alternatives are shown at the top of the list
Supporting Information
[Relevant information, context, resources, references]
Depends On
[Links to other issues on which this story depends]
[Links to other issues that depend on this story]