[x] Acceptance criteria are verifiable and from the perspective of the stakeholder
As auser or educator I wanta Region constructor that accepts two integer parameters corresponding to a desired number of rows and columns of a full-populated rectangular region so thatI can create a rectangular, non-square, region by specifying the number of rows and columns.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] The RegionTest class contains adequate tests for the Region(int,int) constructor.
[ ] The Region class has a constructor with the following documentation and signature
* Creates a rectangular region of contiguous locations,
* using the specified number of rows and columns,
* with a location at each row-column intersection,
* and exactly one voter at each location.
* Location indices start at (0, 0) and increment monotonically.
* @param numberOfRows the desired number of rows
* @param numberOfColumns the desired number of columns
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either or both of the parameters are negative
public Region(final int numberOfRows, final int numberOfColumns) {
[ ] No new errors in testing or code analysis are raised.
User Story
Essential components
As a user or educator
I want a Region constructor that accepts two integer parameters corresponding to a desired number of rows and columns of a full-populated rectangular region
so that I can create a rectangular, non-square, region by specifying the number of rows and columns.
Acceptance Criteria
constructor.Supporting Information
The Region class has a constructor taking a single int parameter (numberOfLocations) and constructs a square region. https://github.com/MetroCS/redistricting/blob/dacf6fd20624a4dcd720afce5516a5d3201f0f99/src/metrocs/redistricting/Region.java#L51-L59)
Depends On
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