MetroCS / redistricting

Experimentation with geopolitical redistricting
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[UserStory] link from the should be a subpoint for clarity #193

Closed AragornIISOA closed 2 years ago

AragornIISOA commented 2 years ago

User Story

Essential components


As a User, Maintainer
I want The contributing section of the readme to be more clear
so that when we're looking for information on contributing, tools, and technologies, it's simpler

Acceptance Criteria

(Rules or scenarios are acceptable formats.)

Scenario 1
Given the contributing link is more clear
when someone is looking for information on tools and technologies as well
then such a person would be able to find what they're looking for easier

Supporting Information

The information found in the section also tells users/maintainers what technologies and tools are used. This is related to


Depends On


jody commented 2 years ago

How are we to measure "more clear" in order to determine whether this user story is satisfied by a solution?

AragornIISOA commented 2 years ago

Suggested Change: Under the 'I Want' section of the 'Story' section, It could be updated to say "I want...the readme to clearly communicate that contains information on Contributing, Technologies, and Tools and to have access to the in a prominent place in said readme." Suggested Change 2: Under the Acceptance Criteria, add Rule 2: " is in a prominent place, easily accessible to newcomers.

jody commented 2 years ago

Would this issue be satisfied by simply moving the last sub-bullet from the current README into the Contributing document?

Here are quick mock-ups showing the README without the confusing extra sub-bullet and the Contributing document with a link to the conventions document.

Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 5 41 40 PM

Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 5 47 25 PM