Metropolitan-Council / councilR

A curated collection of commonly used templates, color palettes, functions, and more!
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older releases #43

Closed ehesch closed 1 year ago

ehesch commented 1 year ago

Is there any way that older releases of this package can be made available? This would, for instance, allow councilR to work on computers which the users dont have admin rights over (and hence must use an older version of R which doesn't support some things).

To make it work, I think the version of some dependencies would just need to get downgraded: cli (3.2.0
tibble (3.1.6 rlang (1.0.2 proxy (0.4-26 e1071 (1.7-9 s2 (1.0.7 Rcpp ( classInt (0.4-3 openssl (2.0.0
sp (1.4-7
stringi (1.7.6
farver (2.1.0 dplyr (1.0.8
sf (1.0-7 rgdal (1.5-31

eroten commented 1 year ago

We use GitHub tags to manage releases, so you can install any given release version by adding it to package name string.


Is there a particular dependency or function giving you problems, @ehesch? Also, some of the dependencies you have listed aren't called by councilR, like {e1071} and {farver}.

ehesch commented 1 year ago

Installing the older version worked perfectly, thanks!