Metropolitan-Council / ghg-cprg

GHG Inventory using Climate Pollution Reduction Grant framework and funding
MIT License
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Transportation mega-pull #36

Closed eroten closed 5 months ago

eroten commented 5 months ago

Transportation emissions

Functions, both with documentation and tests

Datasets. Each has an associated metadata and live in /_transportation/data/

Documentation. All started, none completed

county_vmt_emissions.RDS head()

# A tibble: 6 × 21
  analysis_name   mode_of_travel  year vehicle_type vehicle_weight vehicle_weight_label zone  vmt_same vmt_origin vmt_destination vmt_total moves_year
  <chr>           <chr>          <dbl> <chr>        <ord>          <ord>                <chr>    <dbl>      <dbl>           <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
1 CPRG_County_OD… All Vehicles …  2021 passenger    Passenger      Light-duty           Anoka   1.31e9     6.88e8      687832536.    2.68e9       2019
2 CPRG_County_OD… All Vehicles …  2021 passenger    Passenger      Light-duty           Carv…   3.44e8     2.15e8      219419403.    7.79e8       2019
3 CPRG_County_OD… All Vehicles …  2021 passenger    Passenger      Light-duty           Chis…   1.97e8     1.62e8      159271035     5.18e8       2019
4 CPRG_County_OD… All Vehicles …  2021 passenger    Passenger      Light-duty           Dako…   1.59e9     7.13e8      717939214.    3.02e9       2019
5 CPRG_County_OD… All Vehicles …  2021 passenger    Passenger      Light-duty           Henn…   4.36e9     1.44e9     1439467126.    7.23e9       2019
6 CPRG_County_OD… All Vehicles …  2021 passenger    Passenger      Light-duty           Pier…   1.14e8     9.00e7       88647550     2.92e8       2019
# ℹ 9 more variables: co2 <dbl>, co2_co2_equivalent <dbl>, ch4 <dbl>, n2o <dbl>, total_co2 <dbl>, total_ch4 <dbl>, total_n2o <dbl>,
#   total_co2_w_equiv <dbl>, emissions_metric_tons_co2e <dbl>


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