Metropolitan-Council / ghg-cprg

GHG Inventory using Climate Pollution Reduction Grant framework and funding
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Transportation emissions, modeling, data sources #90

Open eroten opened 3 months ago

eroten commented 3 months ago

Close compare county level emissions, VMT from different sources over time, including

eroten commented 3 months ago

MOVES Q&A notes

Met with Dennis and Charles G. 6/20/24

MOVES for the TPP is an inventory run of what the total emissions will be in year ___, they do an Inventory run.

However, with a Rates run, you running (for all the inputs we have), give us the rates/factor without having to re-run the entire MOVES model. Rates give emissions by speed bins by link type. Then apply that rate to the Volume on those links. Speeds are involved, so they are speed specific. Setting up a Rates run is an exercise in itself - it takes configuration and evaluation.

One thing that could cause uncertainty is how Mark Filipi got the numbers and are we able to recreate them/how much documentation we have on how it was made.

EPA NEI differences:

Isolating on Hennepin County

Also compare state emissions dataset to national emissions datasets

The energy vs. transportation emissions issue is ongoing discussion.


eroten commented 3 months ago

Meeting 2, 6/28/24

Met with Charles G and Dennis.

Outputs from TourCast (county level)

TourCast estimates the number of people who are likely to take bike and ped trips, but we don't do anything with that data. 1-2% biking, 2-3% transit. It does show up, but it is not very granular and we don't know under what scenario those would need to change to make a difference in MOVES outputs. TourCast is doing a behavioral/logistic regression to find the percent of people who will walk/bike/transit. TAZs can be very large, and its difficult to see how small changes in pedestrian/bike infrastructure would effect things. Transit infrastructure will show up more.

MOVES does forecast forward, mostly based on speeds and volumes/vehicle miles traveled (which come from travel demand model, with different scenarios). The TourCast also forecasts the population of private vehicles, but the distribution of vehicle types (EV, light duty, small cars) is NOT there.

Items to compare





eroten commented 2 months ago

Forecasting methods

Essentially, we are going to use the forecasted VMT from the 2050 TPP model run. Whether we calculate emissions directly from MOVES or some other way, the VMT values will be there

eroten commented 2 months ago

Meeting 3, 7/3/24