Metropolitan-Council / regionalparks.acs

R package and golem Shiny app for Regional Parks and the American Community Survey.
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re-imagine tabs #26

Closed ehesch closed 3 years ago

ehesch commented 3 years ago

Given the tabs + subtabs....

@eroten totally down for navbarMenu to do dropdowns in the way the council syle guide reccomends....but when I previously tried it, it meant that I had to re-use the mod_summary_selections. And the module (when re-used) was no longer performing correctly (no radio buttons selected, etc). Thus:

1) do you have any ideas/experience re-using modules, and can we get this working nicely? (urg, I know this is one of the big reasons for using they can be reused, but there is definitely something I'm missing!) 2) is there a way to use navbarMenu with a "global input" shared across tabsets that fall within the page? Previously when I attempted this, global modules were in ALL tabs, not just the tabs within the given navbarMenu 3) if "no" to either, I'd be a proponent of trying somethign like this app. Main tabs on the sidebar, and then scroll thru our existing "subtabs". Unfortunately, it's shinydashboard..... Or maybe something like this (not dashboard)? 4) other!

ehesch commented 3 years ago


meh, don't complete the pull request. I pulled the idea of conditionalpanels from your rent trends app, and used it to condense the leaflet mapping. This way we can have just 1 leaflet map, and show either acs characteristics or population characteristics. While I loved how the leaflet_base module was working, I think this is a nice way to simplify the whole user interface. Not done getting all the pieces together here, but did want to note that big new change.

ehesch commented 3 years ago

condense maps fixed this issue