Metropolitan-Council / service.allocation.viz

Scrolly-telling viz for comparing scenarios in the service allocation study
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Import and tidy initial data #1

Open eroten opened 3 years ago

eroten commented 3 years ago

@dpena523 is working on cleaning up Excel workbooks

dpena523 commented 3 years ago

service_eval_base.xlsx service_eval_by_tma.xlsx this is the base data

dpena523 commented 3 years ago


This an updated service_eval_base file, this one includes a new entry, "Regional Total", which isn't included in the original file and is needed for one of the calculations

dpena523 commented 3 years ago


Clean data for the slider tool; can be used for Expanded Access Metric, Improved Transit Service Metric, and Increased by Service Type Metric

dpena523 commented 3 years ago

service_eval_clean Metadata

dpena523 commented 3 years ago


Scenario definitions

dpena523 commented 3 years ago

scenario_rdrshp.xlsx Ridership increases for each scenario

dpena523 commented 3 years ago

job_access.xlsx figures for job access measures

dpena523 commented 3 years ago

DRAFT Intermediate Scenario Evaluation Memo_20201230.docx

This is the Draft Scenario Evaluation Memo prepared by the consultant, provides some useful context for the analysis.

dpena523 commented 3 years ago

Service Allocation Slider Mock Up.pptx

Mock up of slider tool

dpena523 commented 3 years ago

Service Allocation Web Tool Text.docx Proposed text for the slider tool. Please disregard inserted chart, we are still coming up with a visualization idea, I will have something by end of day

dpena523 commented 3 years ago

Slider tool webtext: new text for slider tool; this is good for now, there is a main change in that we want to reconsider what the scenarios are called, so scenario names are still TBD in this version Service Allocation Web Tool Text 3-2-21.docx