MewPurPur / GodSVG

An application in early development for creating simple vector graphics. Built in Godot.
MIT License
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Implement Web Support for Reference Images #752

Open Qainguin opened 1 month ago

Qainguin commented 1 month ago

Add support for reference images for web import. Currently, it hides the reference image button for web users, which is more of a band-aid than anything.

Qainguin commented 1 month ago

I tried doing some work on this and I got to the point of where I could open the import native dialog but the problem was that loading it would not return a PackedByteArray with JavaScript but it would return a string.

MewPurPur commented 1 month ago

I don't know how to do this.

Qainguin commented 1 month ago

We might just have to shelve it for now, at least until someone knows how to. Keep the issue up though, so if someone knows how to do it they can do it.

Kiisu-Master commented 1 month ago

Ig this would be a task for me as i added svg opening on web