MewPurPur / GodSVG

An application in early development for creating simple vector graphics. Built in Godot.
MIT License
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Color Picker eyedropper #790

Open MewPurPur opened 1 week ago

MewPurPur commented 1 week ago

Implementation in Godot should look something like:

1) Get viewport texture

2) Turn into image

3) Blit the image to the relevant part and upscale it with nearest filtering

4) Take center pixel as the color and draw graphics

Firefox has this implementation and it looks awesome:


Swarkin commented 6 days ago

Should this be display wide or only inside the application? And if for the whole display, should there be a zoom thingy following the mouse?

MewPurPur commented 6 days ago

I think it should only be inside the application, so that we could have this zoom thingy following the mouse. (it wouldn't work otherwise, would it?)

MewPurPur commented 5 days ago

I guess, but in my opinion it's best to start off simple. Transparent windows feels like something that can open a can of worms, like, this is the kind of stuff that fails on certain machines or platforms. Even if it's strictly better, a fallback will probably still be needed.