Mfarooq360 / WinThumbsPreloader-V2

WinThumbsPreloader is a powerful open source tool for quickly preloading thumbnails in Windows Explorer.
MIT License
73 stars 1 forks source link

[Bugs Masterlist] Backlog #4

Open VL4DST3R opened 11 months ago

VL4DST3R commented 11 months ago

Hey there! Just testing the new pre-release version and off the bat I just wanted to ask if you could provide a portable version (without an installer) for people like me who want to keep tools like this portable! Just save all the stuff in the same folder (and load from) as the exe, if you're not doing that already. Add the portable version on the Releases page as well please!

Secondly, I encountered this unhandled exception when opening the backup folder before it exists: image

************** Exception Text **************
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'E:\Programs\WinThumbsPreloader\New folder\Explorer Backup'.
File name: 'E:\Programs\WinThumbsPreloader\New folder\Explorer Backup'
   at System.IO.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(String fullPath, Byte[] securityDescriptor)
   at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
   at WinThumbsPreloader.CacheForm.ClearButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, WM msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Mfarooq360 commented 8 months ago

Re: Restore from backup: indeed now it seems to never work, fresh backup or not, it always instantly fails to restore even with explorer closed beforehand. I think this is a regression over the previous two versions.

I may try adding a setting to choose whether to close out of explorer only once or per every file in case either one works better. I would've thought using the same method as the bat file would've made it work better, not the other way around (lol) On a sidenote, the tool doesn't seem to be able to generate thumbnails for .webm files.

That's interesting, it also doesn't seem to be working on my side either. I'll be looking into what's causing it to not generate webm files in particular.

If this is the case, then could you maybe add a "validade checksums" button for the backed up files to see if at least you can catch a corrupted backup? Maybe we can pinpoint exactly what invalidates it.

Currently I don't have it working very well enough to be reliable as the blank entries at the start issue tends to cripple it for some reason, though I guess ThumbCache Viewer could read the backup cache and verify checksums there as well, just without being able to repair them.

In the meantime, I'm working on the bulk preloading feature and doing some testing with webm files, though if there are any other changes that you want to be added, feel free to let me know.

Also, I just want to say thank you for helping with this project and responding to the other issues, it's been very helpful and I appreciate your help!

VL4DST3R commented 8 months ago

Also, I just want to say thank you for helping with this project and responding to the other issues, it's been very helpful and I appreciate your help!

Gladly! You're awesome for carrying this torch more or less alone, and I'm here to help as best I can.

Looping back to my backup restore corruption - I've recently tried going back to my bat-based backup/restore solution and much to my dismay I noticed it failed to restore them as well (i.e. instantly getting nuked by windows) - could it be that something changed recently with windows to cause this? Is the new beta 4 causing issues with generating as well? Maybe related to what you said about empty entries in the db causing issues? Is my PC throwing a fit? Can you reproduce this issue as well if you restore?

Mfarooq360 commented 8 months ago

Looping back to my backup restore corruption - I've recently tried going back to my bat-based backup/restore solution and much to my dismay I noticed it failed to restore them as well (i.e. instantly getting nuked by windows) - could it be that something changed recently with windows to cause this? Is the new beta 4 causing issues with generating as well? Maybe related to what you said about empty entries in the db causing issues? Is my PC throwing a fit? Can you reproduce this issue as well if you restore?

So far I've found that leaving file explorer open (not explorer.exe in general) after clearing the cache may lead to a bunch of blank entries being put into the cache, but only sometimes and I can only reproduce it on my main computer, even though it also used to happen on my laptop. The issue mostly only affects the scanning of the data checksums for me though.

I haven't been able to reproduce this issue in a long while as the last time it happened was when I tried to make the program only backup and restore the db files that have changed in size, which Windows was somehow not happy with. The versions that are out however all copy every file to try and prevent this, so I'm hoping this isn't a permissions issue.

I did notice a crash with setting the cache deletion method to disk cleanup as it had issues with trying to modify the registry due to a "File not found" error which may be due to not having the registry nuget package or perhaps a missing dll (Currently testing this right now).

Is the bat restore using the backup cache generated from Winthumbspreloader? If not I would try to disable and reenable the use of thumbnails instead of icons in the file explorer or trying disk cleanup to reset the thumbnail cache, otherwise I'd think there would be something wrong with the backup files or (hopefully not) Windows itself (or maybe a restart is needed).

VL4DST3R commented 8 months ago

I haven't been able to reproduce this issue in a long while as the last time it happened was when I tried to make the program only backup and restore the db files that have changed in size, which Windows was somehow not happy with.

Maybe the indexes of all resolution db entries must be the same for a particular file?

Is the bat restore using the backup cache generated from Winthumbspreloader?

No, it's my old xcopy script that copies every db inside the folder to another. I figured if something changed in your recent updates this should be as reliable (integrity-wise) as it ever was.

If not I would try to disable and reenable the use of thumbnails instead of icons in the file explorer or trying disk cleanup to reset the thumbnail cache,

I've used disk cleanup a few times when stuff like this happened to make sure it was a "clean start" but it didn't seem to make a difference, after all it was being nuked and re-initialized by windows anyways, so I assumed they'd set their stuff up properly, just the way windows liked it. Haven't tried disabling and re-enabling thumbs however, you feel that would make any difference somehow?

Assuming all those searches prove to be unsuccessful I was genuinely starting to consider looking into more nuclear options, like copying the files at windows boot - you know, like certain installers do - before windows has a chance to initialize anything explorer-related, but I'm unfamiliar with that territory.

moxin3 commented 7 months ago

V1.1.0 the last stable release is quite fast as compared to beta versions, Only issue that need focus is windows resetting thumbsdb_256 & thumbsdb_1280 & thumbsdb_96

Has any one retained preload folders cashe larger than 4 5 GB for longer duration, I have tweaked cache size from default 500kb to 4096kb and tweak registry to keep thumbnails by setting value 0 from 1, but no avail