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fetch url from html with powershell #41

Open morganross opened 6 years ago

morganross commented 6 years ago

assuming that we already have the line

HotcarlosPDX commented 6 years ago

split line into array or Regex in between quotes or delete characters in beginning and end

HotcarlosPDX commented 6 years ago


HotcarlosPDX commented 6 years ago

$website = "" invoke-webrequest $website -UseBasicParsing -OutFile c:/Liveon/HTMLoutput.txt $wholeline = sls .m3u8 c:/liveon/HTMLoutput.txt $targeturl = $wholeline.Split('"')[1] $jsonlocation = "C:\Users\Hotca\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\programdata\metadata\channels\00e6b1ff67d0cfb65ba8825631fe1b94\24ba6843a743dc75b647a3d366914cc4\channelmediasourceinfos.json" $ChannelID = '"e9a19bd2238a2c116249f88b697e7f49","Path":""' $NewchannelID = "e9a19bd2238a2c116249f88b697e7f49","Path":"'$Targeturl'" (Get-Content $jsonlocation).replace('$ChannelID', '$NewchannelID') | Set-Content $jsonlocation