MhMadHamster / vscode-postcss-language

postcss syntax support extension for VSCode
MIT License
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Add Support for `cssnext` #18

Open zhengxiaoyao0716 opened 6 years ago

zhengxiaoyao0716 commented 6 years ago image

onetrev commented 6 years ago

Actually I'm not sure there is any support for cssnext functionality in this extension.

For example, media query ranges is not support either (see attached screenshot). Also, I tested "custom selectors" as well, and they receive linter error warnings. So maybe this issue should be renamed to something like Add Support for cssnext?


zhengxiaoyao0716 commented 6 years ago

@onetrev Yes, u r right. I renamed it.

onetrev commented 6 years ago

Perfect, thanks! Also keep your eye on this other project, and if possible support the project too, because the developer is looking to add PostCSS support! PostCSS is becoming really popular, totally is the future, but there is really nothing that fully does the job yet in VS Code. :(

zhengxiaoyao0716 commented 6 years ago

Thanks too! I'm also looking for a plugin in VSCode for PostCSS.

onetrev commented 6 years ago

In the interim, for anyone that finds seeing linter errors in their PostCSS files annoying, simply add this setting from this extension to your User Settings:

"postcss.validate": false

MhMadHamster commented 6 years ago

hey, sorry for the delay with answer, detailed explanation on this issue you cam be found here you can disable validation as @onetrev mentioned

onetrev commented 6 years ago

Good news @zhengxiaoyao0716 -- support for cssnext is planned for the new round of updates for VS Code. So that's a big step forward. More details here in the CSS/HTML section:

It still would be huge to have PostCSS support in Intellisense, so things like variables can be found across files, but this is a nice step. Hopefully @mrmlnc is still planning on building that.

zhengxiaoyao0716 commented 6 years ago

@onetrev thank you~

mummybot commented 5 years ago

FYI CSSnext is now deprecated. The next PostCSS library (which uses the same syntax for CSS variables is :